[ Introduction ] [ DB TV Series ] [ DBZ TV Series ]
These pages are dedicated in their entirety to reveal what exactly the major differences are between the DragonBall manga and anime. Using manga-anime comparisons, one can determine where to obtain official facts about the series from, avoiding the plot hole-ridden, inaccurate "filler" segments... not to mention simply having a fun time exploring all of the differences between the two versions.
We have brought on some old friends to detail the incredible amount of information that is necessary for this section. Rachel Oliver is currently working her way through the original DragonBall TV series, while Clayton Reynolds is responsible for the worth thus-far in the DragonBall Z TV series.
As described on the previous page, "filler" pertains to any events that were not present in the manga, but made an appearance in the anime. It is worth noting that the term "canon" (which will be used often) refers in this particular case to any events that were present in both the manga and anime. Any meanings beyond that are almost completely fan-created; there is no such thing as a single "truth" or any "absolute" canon, for example. We have little interest in these types of arguments; our mission is simply to explore these differences in an entertaining and informative way.
Very rarely will we note filler occurrences that are nothing more than drawn-out shots of the scenery, the narrator over-explaining things, or extra seconds of fights and dialogue that are not really worth mentioning to begin with. Basically, the smallest filler segments we recognize will be about fifteen seconds in length, and that is only if something somewhat significant is happening (a character enjoying a quick solo scene verses mindless shots of the landscape).
In the comparison pages to follow, each episode will be divided into paragraphs with the headers "Canon Segment" or "Filler Segment" noting the events as being true to the manga, or a new addition that was added solely to "fluff" the overall length of the episode when it seemed canon material simply was not going to cut it. Pictures, from the manga and anime that have been scanned/screencapped, will also accompany the majority of these paragraphs. Black and white manga panels will be paired with canon segments to show that the original ideas of the manga were respectfully transferred to the anime. Full-color anime screencaps will be paired with filler segments to show that only the anime received this portion of the episode. Please note that even though the recent kanzenban release of the manga in Japan includes color chapters, any scans from these particular chapters that relate to "canon" segments will be gray-scaled to more conveniently indicate their origin.
Finally, at the bottom of each episode will be a notes section which will briefly discuss certain parts of the episode that can't really be included into the canon or filler sections of above. "Notes" will be composed of the categories of:
and That": A collection
of small facts, in an almost "Did You Know?" style setup
for one-time notices only (example: Piccolo has four
fingers in the manga, but five in the anime. This would
be posted in the first episode where this is apparent,
and never again in subsequent episodes).
Scene": This will be
when a scene from the manga is not present in the anime,
but it instead has a similar scene replacing it (example:
Freeza kills Cargo in the manga, but in the anime it
is changed to Dodoria doing the deed).
Scene": Essentially the opposite of filler
in which a scene from the manga is not present, for
whatever reason, in the anime (this will only be noted
if the missing scene is not already covered in "Altered
Scene". Nothing replaces the missing manga scene in
this category; it is simply not present).
Random little facts may be tossed in should anything
else worth noting come up. Also, insignificant filler
scenes may be added here.
