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  Daizenshuu EX - Guides - Filler Guide - Complete Listing - DBZ Episode 007  

DragonBall Z: Episode 007
(Originally aired 14 June 1989)

"Kyôryû to Sabaibaru! Gohan to Tsurai Shugyô"
("Survival with a Dinosaur! Gohan and his Tough Training")

Chapter 207 begins:
Nageku Son Gohan
"The Grieving Son Gohan"

Canon Segment: 5 minutes 54 seconds

Having removed his overcoat, Gohan fearfully asks Piccolo what his first task should be for training. Piccolo simply tells him to live. Out here. Alone. For six months. If he's still alive after that period, Piccolo will train him personally. Gohan stammers that he won't be able to survive here alone for six months! Piccolo gives a small laugh, saying that he won't be alone, what with all the blood-thirsty beasts that inhabit this area! Very frightened, Gohan pleads with Piccolo not to leave him, and Piccolo yells at him to become tough, both mentally and physically. He reminds the child that the Earth's fate lies in his hands, so he should learn to effectively draw out his latent power. Just before he departs, he urges Gohan to not try to escape, as this area is surrounded by a desert hell, that makes their current location look like a paradise. Gohan, panic-stricken, asks where he's supposed to find a food, a bath, a bed?! Piccolo is amused that Gohan thinks these would be prepared for him (telling him he's been sheltered), and Gohan says that it's not fair. Piccolo tells him to curse his fate then, just as he does. He flies away, leaving the half-Saiyan child pathetically running after him below, yelling for him to come back. When it's clear that he won't be catching up to him, Gohan slumps over and begins crying loudly.

Meanwhile, high above Earth atop his Temple, Kami-sama has been observing the turn of events regarding Piccolo and Gohan. Mr. Popo asks if anything is wrong, and Kami replies by saying that the current Piccolo is still short-tempered and fierce, but his evil ambitions seem to be diminishing. The original Piccolo-Daimaô would never go out of his way to train anyone for the good of the Earth, least of all Goku's son. Further supporting this theory, a soul is usually trapped in limbo when killed by demon-folk, but Raditz was able to go to the afterlife after his death, meaning that Piccolo has indeed changed since being reborn. And, continues the God of the Earth, perhaps Piccolo has realized that Kami-sama, and therefore Piccolo as well, has only a year left to live. But whether it is because Piccolo will be killed by the Saiyans, or because of his own old age, he is not certain. He smirks, and says that it is not comforting, not even for a God, to know one's own death. Piccolo must surely feel it, says Kami-sama, and that may be why he is willing to train Gohan, to "leave something behind" within someone... even if it's Son Goku's child. Mr. Popo inquires about the Dragon Balls, and Kami says that the next time they are used will be their last...

Back at the wasteland, Gohan is sitting on a small rock, sobbing about how scared he is.

Filler Segment: 7 minutes

Just then, a praying mantis lands on his leg. Gohan, overjoyed, extends a finger to touch it, but the mantis lashes out and stabs his fingertip! Gohan falls off the rock in pain and surprise, and then before he has a chance to cry about it, he watches as a gust of wind takes his overcoat away! He runs after it, telling it to wait, but the coat flies high and lands atop a large, vertical rock formation. After a few unsuccessful attempts, he manages to climb on top and grab his coat. He holds it out in front of him with glee, but the glee turns to terror when a snake pokes its head out of the top! Gohan is petrified, and doesn't move as the snake exits the coat, coils around his neck, and departs. Gohan gives a sigh of relief, and begins climbing down (startled at how high he had climbed!). Upon reaching the bottom, Gohan spies a lizard, immediately forgets about his situation (again!), and happily chases after it on all fours.

Meanwhile, on the Serpent Road, Goku is running along, talking to himself about how amazed he is regarding Gohan's strength in the fight against Raditz, stating that he's very proud of his son. He pauses, seeing that the path is starting to zig-zag. Rather then waste time running all of it, he thinks that jumping strategically would be a great time-saver! He begins bounding from section to section, saying he'll get to the end much sooner this way... until he realizes that he's over-powered his last jump, and is going to miss his landing! He frantically flies back up, and grabs hold of the road edge, only to cut his hand on the razor-sharpness! He begins falling again, and dark hand-spirits from Hell try to grab at him to pull him down. He is able to break free, however, and land back atop the road. He states that he'll have to be more careful, with Hell being right there.

Back in the land of the living, Kuririn is dressed formally (complete with a suit and hat!), and standing outside the Son family home. He's wondering how exactly he should tell Chi-Chi that her husband is dead and son is kidnapped, though her reaction will be the same regardless. He tries to be solemn about it, but then figures that he should try and sound light-hearted, since they'll just be bringing Goku back to life soon anyway. He decides to go with that plan, when Chi-Chi opens the door, throwing him off. They greet each other, and Chi-Chi asks why Kuririn is talking to himself. He tries to stammer out an answer, when Gyû-Maô greets him. Chi-Chi asks where Goku is. Aborting his plan for a moment, Kuririn says that Goku asked him to tell his wife not to worry about him. Chi-Chi is frustrated, but then Kuririn regains himselfs, and tells them that Goku isn't coming back. Chi-Chi asks what that means, and Kuririn corrects himself, saying that Goku will come back right away! Chi-Chi yells at him to make some sense! Gyû-Maô doesn't understand either, but he cheerfully invites Kuririn inside for dinner. Kuririn sighs, and accepts. Sitting at the dinner table, Gyû-Maô says that he hopes to see his grandson soon, since it's been a year since he last saw him. Kuririn continues wondering how to break the news, when Chi-Chi asks why no one picked up the phone when she called a while ago. Kuririn frantically says that they were all having such a fun time there, that no one bothered to get the phone! Chi-Chi wants her family home before evening, saying that Goku can be such an irresponsible father sometimes, as their son need to study. Her father tells her not to worry, as they'll be home soon enough. Chi-Chi agrees with him, and lightens up slightly. She then says she'll get to work on a big meal for them, as they must be hungry. Kuririn tries to take this opportunity to leave, but they urge him to stay until Goku and Gohan return, and Gyû-Maô cheerfully slaps Kuririn on the back when he stands up, forcing him back into his chair! Kuririn says he has something that needs doing, but they keep pressing for him to at least stay for dinner. Kuririn sighs again, realizing he's not going anywhere.

At the wasteland, Gohan is sniffling again, as he urinates on a nearby rock.

Canon Segment: 1 minute 45 seconds

Just then, he hears the booming footsteps of something huge. Staring right at him is a huge, meat-eating dinosaur! Gohan, terrified, tries to speak, but the beast lunges forward with his mouth wide open! Screaming, Gohan runs away with the dinosaur trailing closely behind, yelling for anybody to help him! All of a sudden, he trips, falling straight over. He looks to be devoured, when we see the same look of determination on his face as when he let out his true power before, and he leaps straight up, landing high atop a huge rock formation, as the dinosaur wonders where his dinner went. At the top, Gohan is not sure where he is. He slowly crawls to the edge of the rock and screams, yelling that he can't climb down from this high!

Filler Segment: 7 minutes

Back at the Son family house, it's now dark out, and Kuririn is trying to eat dinner with his hosts (though his mind's not on eating). Gyû-Maô is still cheerful, saying that Goku and Gohan will be back any time now, while Chi-Chi is getting very upset, saying that she'll never forgive them for being gone for so long! She then begins wolfing down food in a way very similar to Goku's style of eating, as Gyû-Maô and Kuririn watch in awe!

In the afterlife, Uranai Baba is shown at a sort of bar inhabited by loads of ghouls, goblins, and other Halloween-type monsters that are grabbing a drink and a bite to eat in death. The Oni that assisted Goku to Serpent Road is talking to her, delivering the message about not wishing Goku back to life until one year has passed, to allow him time to train. Baba says she understands, and will pass the message to the Turtle Hermit. The Oni thanks her, and Baba adds that Goku is such a perfectionist, always wanting to better himself.

Canon Segment: 2 minutes 45 seconds

Goku is then shown still running along the road. He shouts about how hungry he is!

Gohan is curled up on top of the mountain, shivering, saying he feels like he's going to die from fright and starvation. Just then, two apples appear right in front of him, as if they were always there. He can't explain where they came from (with no apple trees around), but he quickly begins feasting on them. He pauses, whining that they're sour and taste bad. He'd rather be eating pork buns, but he continues eating anyway. Piccolo, floating nearby, curses the brat for his trouble, and says to himself that this is the only time he's going to assist the child in survival.

Chapter 207 ends

Total canon time: 10 minutes 24 seconds
Total filler time: 8 minute 33 seconds

DBZ Episode 007: ~45% Filler


Goku has the closing scene in the manga, but in the anime, his scene has been moved to before Gohan's scene with the apples.




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