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  Daizenshuu EX - Guides - Filler Guide - Complete Listing - DBZ Episode 006  

DragonBall Z: Episode 006
(Originally aired 7 June 1989)

"Enma-sama mo Bikkuri
Ano Yo de Faito
("Even Lord Enma is Surprised
The Fight in the Afterlife

Chapter 205 begins:
Ano Yo de Faito!!
"The Fight in the Afterlife!!"

Canon Segment: 9 minutes 30 seconds

At the battlefield, Bulma, Kuririn and Kame-Sen'nin contemplate why Kami-sama would need Goku's body in the afterlife. Holding Gohan's Dragon Ball hat, Kuririn's states that they should gather the six remaining balls to restore Goku, and Bulma is angry that they can't find Yamcha, now that they really need him (though Kuririn adds on that it was Bulma who chased him away to begin with!) She then finally brings up the question of how, exactly, Raditz was able to locate Goku so easily to begin with. Piccolo speaks up, as he dons his cape and turban, stating that the strange device on the Saiyan's face is able to track an opponent's strength and location. Bulma wants a look at the device, so she has Kuririn obtain it for her (though Kuririn is slightly reluctant to touch the Saiyan corpse, fearing he might come back to life or something). After inspecting the scouter, Bulma sees that it's a little banged-up, but she should probably be able to reprogram it in their language, so as to be able to locate Yamcha and Tenshinhan! Kame-Sen'nin states that they should head back to the Kame House first, and Kuririn will head out to find the Dragon Balls shortly thereafter. Kame-Sen'nin asks what Piccolo is going to do now, but just then (in a rather shocking display), Piccolo lets loose a loud scream, and promptly regenerates his missing arm! After telling the group to hurry and find the Dragon Balls to restore Goku (as even Kami-sama lacks the power to restore lives), he wastes no time in saying that he will be taking Goku's son! Everyone is greatly surprised at hearing this (Kuririn believes Piccolo will eat him!), but Piccolo assures them that the boy will be an extremely powerful warrior if he is properly trained, and that is precisely what he is going to do with him. Kame-Sen'nin says that the parents should be notified of this first, and Piccolo says that there's no time for that, and that he'll kill them all if they try to stop him! Snatching the still-asleep Gohan, Piccolo tells them that he'll return the brat in one year, and that Goku should be patient to see his son when he comes back to life. He ascends, and flies off into the distance, leaving a rather sorry-looking group of friends behind. Kuririn knows that Gohan is more than likely going to be corrupted in his training with Piccolo, and that Goku and Chi-Chi are not going to be pleased when they hear of this turn of events...

Meanwhile, in the afterlife, Goku and Kami-sama are standing in the Hall of Judgment before Enma-daiô (the Lord of the Dead, who is sitting behind a very LARGE desk), requesting that Goku be granted permission to travel along the Serpent Road to receive training from Kaiô-sama. Enma judges whether the dead go to Heaven or Hell, and he states that Goku has enough merit to be taken straight to Heaven if he wishes. Goku asks Kami if everybody comes here when they die (including aliens), and Kami confirms this. Goku speaks up to Enma, asking if someone named "Raditz" was here awhile ago (while Kami-sama rebukes Goku for his casual speaking style). Enma looks him up, and says he went straight to Hell, of course. Goku asks if he fought against his fate, and Enma says he did, but none defeat him. Goku then turns to Kami and says that he'd rather be trained here than with Kaiô-sama! Kami shushes him, saying that Kaiô-sama is stronger, anyway. Enma hears that comment, and asks if Kami would like to spend a little time in HELL once he dies! Kami pleads forgiveness and tries to turn it into a joke about Enma's hearing (though Enma is none too thrilled about the God of Earth's terrible gag sense), and Goku is granted permission to travel the Serpent Road. Kami-sama wishes Goku luck, and sends him on his way. Contemplating the Earth's problems, Kami mutters aloud to himself about what a big mess the Earth has gotten itself into. He thinks about the possibility of asking Shenlong to destroy the Saiyans (though it may prove to be too much for the Dragon God), and that the training of Goku and Gohan may not prove to be enough. Enma then SCREAMS at Kami to shut up and leave, already!

Outside the building, a blue, glasses-wearing Oni is driving Goku along a small narrow path towards the head of the Serpent Road. He asks if Goku is in good physical condition for his journey ahead, and Goku isn't sure how to respond (being dead, and all). Goku asks who exactly this Kaiô-sama is, and the Oni tells him that he stands above all the Gods of the universe! Back in the land of the living, Kuririn, Bulma, and Kame-Sen'nin are flying back towards the Kame House via their air car. The old man says that they can't keep this information from Chi-Chi forever, so Kuririn should tell her what has happened to her husband and son! Kuririn, full of panic, asks why HE should have to do it, and Bulma says "Because she's so obsessed with mothering, she'd kill us..."

Filler Segment: 1 minute 25 seconds

Back at the Son family home, Chi-Chi is starting to get angry. She tries calling the Kame House, but receives only the answering machine. Gyû-Maô is saddened that he came all the way out here just to find out that his grandson and son-in-law are gone for the day (as he plays with a remote control racing car he bought for Gohan). Chi-Chi believes Goku is teaching Gohan fighting skills, but her father shrugs that off as no big deal if he is. Chi-Chi slams her hand down on the table, saying it IS a big deal! Then she starts speculating that Gohan might've fallen into the sea, almost getting eaten by sharks, and then become stranded on a small island! He'd try to pick a banana to eat, but a snake would bite him on the finger, and he'd be poisoned! What should she do if her son becomes poisoned?! Gyû-Maô stares at her in awe, wondering how on Earth she could jump to such a conclusion...

Canon Segment: 8 minutes 8 seconds

In the afterlife, Goku has arrived at the start of the Serpent Road, which (to Goku's surprise) looks like a serpent! The helper informs Goku to travel the road, and that Kaiô-sama is waiting at the tail. When Goku inquires about the length of the road, the Oni says that legend puts it at about one million kilometers. Goku almost falls over in shock, asking if anyone's ever made it to the end! The helper says that Lord Enma did once, in the last hundred million years. Goku feels slightly more optimistic, and the helper urges him to be careful not to fall off into the clouds, as Hell is right below him. Goku wishes he'd brought a lunch, but he's told that a dead person can't starve, anyway. Just before the Saiyan prepares to depart, he asks the helper if he can have Uranai Baba tell Kame-Sen'nin not to bring him back to life for one year. The Oni writes down the message, saying he'll deliver it. Goku thanks him, and then speedily flies away over the Serpent Road! The Oni says that flying is awfully cunning of him...

Chapter 205 ends

Chapter 206 begins:
Son Gohan to Pikkoro Daimaô
"Son Gohan and Piccolo the Great Demon King"

In a remote, desolate area, the Great Demon King Piccolo descends into a small pool of water, with Gohan in tow. He holds the half-Saiyan up by one hand, telling him to wake up. Gohan continues sleeping, so Piccolo simply drops him face-first into the water! As the boy gasps and sputters for air, Piccolo tells the child to get out of the water, as they need to talk. Gohan is naturally frightened, and begins frantically running around the water, yelling out for his father. Fed up with him, Piccolo grabs the child, and takes him onto dry land himself. Gohan continues sobbing, and Piccolo yells at him to shut up or he'll smash his skull! Gohan forces himself to stop crying, and Piccolo tells him to listen. He informs him that his father is dead, that he sacrificed himself to save his son from the kidnapper. Gohan looks to start crying again, but another threat from Piccolo shuts him up! He tells Gohan that Goku's friends will use the Dragon Balls to restore his father, but the oncoming problem is that two even more powerful men are on their way to Earth right now. Even with Goku restored, he and Piccolo will be no match for them alone. They need Gohan's power to help them protect the planet! Gohan stammers that he can't fight! Piccolo assures him that he can, that the boy has hidden powers within him that training will bring out! Gohan says that he's lying, and that he has no power... With a gleeful smirk on his face, Piccolo asks the boy if he wants proof. He grabs Gohan by the top of the head, and whips him with great speed toward a nearby rock outrcopping! Gohan is screaming with a look of sheer terror on his face, and Piccolo urges him to find his power before he dies! Suddenly, Gohan's expression changes to a look of rage, identical to when he struck Raditz! Raising both fists in front of him in mid-air, he lets loose a massive ki blast, completely obliterating the mountain!

When the dust settles, Piccolo is shocked to see only a massive trench where the huge rock once stood! This was far more than he expected from the boy. As he walks toward Gohan (who is sitting in awe, himself), he realizes that he is going to be training the boy who could become his greatest enemy, someday... As he reaches the child, Gohan asks if he really did this by himself, and Piccolo confirms this. He says that his powers only come to fruition when his emotions are at his peak, which isn't that helpful. Piccolo says he will train him to use that power constantly, to make him the greatest fighter ever! Gohan whines that he plans to be a scholar, not a fighter. Piccolo says that he can do whatever he wants with his life after the Saiyans are dead, because if they destroy the planet, then nothing else matters. Gohan says that he's scared, and Piccolo yells at him to stop whining or he'll kill him! He says that the time for talk is over, and instructs him to remove his overcoat. As Gohan removes it, he sniffles that he'd rather be trained by his father when he comes back to life. Piccolo scoffs at hearing this, acknowledging Goku's power, but remarking that he'd be a terrible fighting teacher. Just one look at his son makes this fact apparent!

Flying along the Serpent Road, Goku sneezes, and lowers himself onto the path. He curses himself for using up too much energy while flying, and that he'll now have to run. He begins doing so, "completely unaware of his son's misery", as stated by the narrator.

Chapter 206 ends

Total canon time: 17 minutes 38 seconds
Total filler time: 1 minute 25 seconds

DBZ Episode 006: ~7% Filler


In the manga, Goku's arrival at and subsequent departure along the Serpent Road occur before Kuririn is told to confront Chi-Chi about what has happened. Here, it's been moved to after the filler scene.

Goku stops flying much earlier in the manga, way back at the end of Chapter 205. In the anime, he does so just before he sneezes at the end of the episode (which happens in the manga at the end of Chapter 206).


In Asian tradition, Yama Maharaja (known as "Enma Daiô" in Japan) is the lord and judge of the dead, deciding whether they will go to Heaven or one of the myriad Hells based on their mortal deeds. He is usually shown as large, red, bearded, and horned (although he seems to have a horned hat in DB). Oni, however, are specifically Japanese. They are demons who have horns, wear tiger skins, and are usually red, blue, or gray. Oni are sometimes (though not always) associated with the dead. The depiction of both Yama and the Oni in DragonBall (as office workers in a cosmic bureaucracy) is a humorous one, if not all that uncommon (YûYû Hakusho, for example, represents them in much the same way).

An old Japanese superstition is that people sneeze when they are being talked about by others, as Goku does in this episode when he begins running on the road (Piccolo is saying that Goku would make an awful teacher).


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