
EX - Updates from May
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May 2003
Some "Shonen Jump" Covers; AMV Reminders
VegettoEX @
4:02 pm EDT -- I realized that we were missing June's
"Shonen Jump" cover, and July's issue came
in the other day, so the "Covers"
section has been updated with both months' covers.
Hopefully we'll get another DBZ cover, soon!
my Otakon video's done! Exported, sent off to con,
even have the online distro version made (won't be
online until August, but hey... it's all done :P).
Really glad it's over with. I love editing, but all
the post-processing is such a pain in the rear-end
(especially since I have to do it twice; once for
my own video, and then for Meri's :P).
it's time to get RIGHT into the DDR 4th Mix video...
*sigh*... at least it's only 1:30 long, as opposed
to my Otakon video's 4:00+ length... ^o^.
reminder to those who signed up for an account over
on www.AnimeMusicVideos.org back when I told you to...
you're probably able to go download any and all videos,
now. Again, if you can't do it there, check out the
"Chat" page
for information on how to get all the videos off me
in #daizenshuu. Someone's
downloading "Despondency" off of
me, right now :D.
May 2003
Almost a Movie a Day For a Week! 7 out of 7; Budokai
VegettoEX @
1:20 am EDT -- I'm sorry it had to come like this.
Meri's computer and I are not on speaking terms, anymore.
It was a very ugly breakup, and I unfortunately have
to recover some items from it tomorrow. I really don't
want to see it anymore, but I have to. It's really
very awful.
other news, the "Movie
Guide" has been almost held up to my promise!
Technically I'm an hour and twenty minutes late, but
here it is anyway: the complete information for DBZ
movie 7. Yay Trunks fans, your boy arrived. Yay,
no more FUNi movies until August. Yay, less movie
pages to make.
there's the two TV specials.
yeah. The
Magic Box has posted some nice new screen caps
from Atari's upcoming "Dragon Ball Z: Budokai
2" for the PS2. Looks.. interesting... Too bad
all it'll cover is the Buu saga, in terms of story...
The cell-shading is definitely a change of pace from
the visuals in the last game. We'll have to wait and
see which works better.
May 2003
A Movie a Day For a Week! 6 out of 7
VegettoEX @
12:15 pm EDT -- Required update for the day, the absolutely
fantastic "Movie
Guide" has been updated with complete information
for DBZ
movie 6. Bye, bye, worthless excuses for "American
"bands" !! In comes... Mark Menza? ;_;
May 2003
A Movie a Day For a Week! 5 out of 7
VegettoEX @
12:15 pm EDT -- Required update for the day, the absolutely
fantastic "Movie
Guide" has been updated with complete information
for DBZ
movie 5. In a one-time-only deal, we get... Spanish?
May 2003
A Movie a Day For a Week! 4 out of 7; Movie 8 Trailer
VegettoEX @
2:04 pm EDT -- The "Movie
Guide" has been updated with complete information
for DBZ
movie 4. This one marked the beginning of DBZ
movies being produced in-house by FUNimation, themselves.
FUNimation has also posted up a trailer for movie
eight on their website (www.dragonballz.com).
Before people start throwing a shit-fit about them
pronouncing it "brou - lee" (as in, "Sup
bro?" or some other bad Terry Klassen line from
the dub), remember...
how it's SUPPOSED to be pronounced. "bu - ro
- ri." Thank you, good day. *POOF*
May 2003
A Movie a Day For a Week! 3 out of 7
VegettoEX @
11:05 am EDT -- The "Movie
Guide" has been updated with complete information
for DBZ
movie 3. This one was a beauty, what with its
two different versions (edited for TV, and home video
release), slightly different voice casts, etc... interesting
stuff to read, actually! Also filled in some holes
in the dub cast for DBZ movies 1
and 2.
May 2003
A Movie a Day For a Week! 2 out of 7
VegettoEX @
12:43 pm EDT -- The "Movie
Guide" has been updated with complete information
for DBZ
movie 2. Good stuff, so far! We're chuggin' along...
DBZ Movie 3 comes tomorrow...
May 2003
A Movie a Day For a Week!
VegettoEX @
12:43 pm EDT -- The "Movie
Guide" has been updated with complete information
for DBZ
movie 1. That includes cast, crew, synopsis, cover
art, etc...
that, I vow to make an update every day for the next
week with another movie for the movie guide, which
will take us up to DBZ movie 7 a week from today.
Think I can keep this vow? We'll see...
video's essentially done. Just got some minor tweaks
to do. Pretty insane stuff going on in it. w00t am
May 2003
Pioneer Distribution License Runs Out
VegettoEX @
1:52 am EDT -- Argh, hate to bump my own update, but
this is pretty damn important! August 31st is a day
many people will remember back in 1998; it was the
day that DBZ began on Cartoon Network.
August 31st of 2003 is a day of much brighter prospects.
According to Anime
Nation, Pioneer has announced that their distribution
license to "DragonBall Z" will expire
on this day.
has already announced their plans to re-dub and re-release
these early episodes (which comprise of 53 English
dubbed episodes, 67-68 original Japanese episodes)
and release them on uncut, billingual DVDs (similar
to the rest of their releases) sometime in 2004. The
first three DBZ movies already have an uncut dub/sub
DVD release; it is unknown what FUNimation will do
with these movies (but they will probably just leave
them as-is).
there we are. Finally there is an official date that
Pioneer's license runs out. Now, if we could only
get an expiration date on KidMark's distribution license
for the original "DragonBall"...
now go check out the update below. New
music video, fserve
in chat room. Buuyah.
May 2003
New Anime Music Video, Fserve Explanation
VegettoEX @
5:55 pm EDT -- Anime Central has come and gone. With
that, I've posted my music video submission for the
contest online! It's titled "Despondency,"
and can be found over on my
music video page. Please note that you'll need
to have set up an account on www.AnimeMusicVideos.org
in order to download it.... UNLESS....
come check us out in #daizenshuu!
I've set up a file server off my home connection,
in which I'm serving all the MP3s that were up until
recently, as well as most of the music videos (including
"Despondency," "This is Your
Life," and more). If you know how to run
fserves, come check us out! If you don't head on over
to the "Chat" page for a brief primer on
what to do. See you there!
May 2003
GT Episodes 1-15 ***CONFIRMED***, Chat Fserve
VegettoEX @
10:19 pm EDT -- Sure, people have been speculating
for quite some time, and there have been tons of rumors
thrown around on fansites, but up until now, there
has been NO official word on the fate of "DragonBall
GT" episodes 1-15.
to Anime
Nation for the heads-up... Fans can rest assured;
at Anime Central this weekend, FUNimation
announced (among other things) that GT episodes 1-15
will indeed be released; this will happen after 16-64
have been fully released.
there you go! FUNi went on to say that ALL "DragonBall"
and "DragonBall Z" episodes will
see an American DVD release eventually.
soon as I get some more info on the Anime Central
music video contest, I may be able to throw up a new
present very soon... :D
a related note, if you come
to the official "Daizenshuu EX" chat
room on IRC, you can find me in there with an
fserve set up to download all of this website's (well,
almost) music videos and music files! More detailed
instructions on how to access the files will come
later, but for those who are already enlightened in
the way, c'mon in and download!
May 2003
Budokai 2 Coming Soon...
VegettoEX @
2:10 am EDT -- I hate to jump on the news bandwagon,
but hey... I like the first one...
Magic Box reports that Infogrames (now going under
the name of Atari) has announced "Budokai
2" for the PS2 (no other consoles are mentioned,
but it is likely that we'll see a GameCube release
a la "Budokai" [the first one] if
it goes over well). What's neat is that they're keeping
the original 23 characters and adding another 11 on
top of this (three of which will be forms of Majin
Buu; I'd guess that we'll also see Goten, Trunks,
Gotenks, and a slew of other fun Buu saga characters).
I want, though, is to play
as Pilaf. Why can't anyone do this for me? Please?
updates coming soon. Ended up spending most of my
day on the Otakon AMV submission.
May 2003
Media Links (Temporarily) Down
VegettoEX @
2:25 pm EDT -- Since my friend Jay is done with school
for the summer (kinda like the rest of us college
folk), the server on which all our media (MP3s, music
videos) was up is now.. well.. it doesn't exist right
now. Because of this, I've temporarily
removed the links on the menu to media files.
I'll be uploading all videos locally (well, as many
as I can) to AnimeMusicVideos.org
within the next couple days. If you wish to download
videos, you'll need to sign up for a membership there,
on the site. It's free (of course), and just takes
a couple minutes, so if you haven't done so already,
go for it now so you're ready to download when the
time comes.
when that time comes, I'll have a new music video
online for you, so be prepared :D.
Julian said, there'll be a nice big update coming
to the "Movie
Guide" very soon, so be on the look-out for
that, too. I'm outta here in two days, so the updates
will be on their way...
"Mr Paikuhan" (I think that's how you spelled
it), if you could contact me as soon as you get a
chance, it'd be mucho appreciated.
10 May 2003
Image Updates for Piccolo Fans...
Julian @ 10:00
pm EDT -- Mike is preparing for his summer move back
home this weekend, so it looks like I'm holding down
the fort. Never fear, though, 'cause I've got an update
that's sure to please everyone, especially those of
you with a penchant for big, green, androgynous aliens.
That's right... both Kanzenban volumes for this month
(in the "Covers"
section) feature Piccolo! To top that off, I've got
a new image in the "Artists"
section, which also has Piccolo in it!
I also added a small bit of information regarding
the DBZ Movie 11 drama CD (in the "Misc
DBZ CDs" section), but it's really nothing
that exciting.
That's all for now. Expect another update to the "Movie
Guide" once EX gets himself all packed up.
May 2003
Guide" Updated
VegettoEX @
5:54 pm EDT -- You may see similar sections on other
sites, but as always, the "Newbie
Guide" on "Daizenshuu EX"
is more complete and accurate the any other, especially
with this latest update. You can now find information
on both the treatment of "DragonBall GT"
in America, as well as the revival of interest in
Japan in the guide. Check
it out.
forget the new "Movie
Guide," as well :D.
May 2003
Here! The Movie Guide!
VegettoEX @
11:35 pm EDT -- Wow. We're finally ready to put it
up. It's the most fun I've ever had working on a section
on the site in a long time. Big thanks to Julian who
was a HUGE help in the creation of this section.
here at "Daizenshuu EX" don't generally
have a problem in doing a section that's been done
before on other sites... as long as we can do it bigger,
better, and more accurate. With that, I'm extremely
proud to present our newest "Database" section,
the "Movie
Guide." In it, you'll find all the Japanese
and (where available) domestic movie / TV special
covers, original Japanese title, romanized title,
translated title, premiere dates, fully translated
cast and production crew credits, and so much more.
Right now, the full information pages for DB movies
1-4 (4 being the 10th anniversary movie).
man. Check out the new "Movie
Guide." This is what we've been working on
all this time ^^.
we were at it, Julian went ahead and created a Favicon
for the site. If you're using a compatible browser,
check out the address bar... should be a little DB
up there, now :D.
talk about the new section (and/or whatever else)
in our chat room..
still looking for more people!