
EX - Updates from April
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April 2003
VegettoEX @
11:28 pm EDT -- Big thanks to Greg, and also to the
two guys who sent me video clips of what I was looking
for (see below update). As you can probably infer,
I'm working on (have been for a while, and probably
WILL be for a while) a new section, and it was a big
help. Thanks, again!
back to writing papers... *sigh*
+ 10th Anniversary Movie Info
VegettoEX @
12:15 am EDT -- I'm being told that there's a fourth
insert song in DBZ that I'm unaware of. As my fansubs
are all at home, and I don't own the "Dragon
Box" DVD boxset... I can't really check it out.
In the (original Japanese version, of course) episode
where Kaio-sama is explaining to Gokuu what happened
to Planet Vegeta (early on in the Saiya-jin Saga...
really early on in the series), an insert song is
this true? Can someone confirm it for me? I'll feel
like a dumbass if I'm forgetting this. Gimme an MP3
or a movie clip if you're able to.
reports are coming in that the 10th anniversary movie,
e no Michi" (or "The Path to Power"
as called by FUNimation) does
indeed use the original score on the English dub track.
Huzzah! Almost seems like too little, too late, though...
*shrugs* Better than not, of course. Guess I should
go buy it...
April 2003
Yeah, I know I'm late...
Julian @ 2:15
pm EDT -- I may not have made my self-imposed
deadline for my next update, but I still have stuff
for ya's. I updated the "Covers"
section with the cover of Shonen Jump #5, put up my
review of DBZ Complete Song Collection 2 on the "CD
Sets" page, and added a CD track I mysteriously
forgot to the "Hit
CDs" page. And, as usual, I've made various
minor corrections on a bunch of pages. Consider them
"Easter Eggs" for your surprise and enjoyment.
Also, it's been requested that I add the back covers
of the DB kanzenban volumes to the site, since
they have some interesting illustrations. I'll probably
do a few sometime this week, then several more the
week after that. I'd do it sooner, but I have a bunch
of stuff coming up in and out of school that I need
to devote my full attention to...you know how it goes.
Well, I'm off. Ja ne~~
April 2003
VegettoEX @
10:16 am EDT -- Music videos, music videos, music
videos, music videos, music videos, music videos,
music videos.
be aware of what you're purchasing if you've pre-ordered
the 10th anniversary movie from Amazon; this
entry appears to be the unedited DVD (approx.
$22), while this
entry is probably the edited version (approx.
$18). Neither has an image, yet. Buyer beware... :D.
The movie comes out on the 29th of this month (two
Tuesdays from now).
April 2003
Answer We've All Been Looking For!
VegettoEX @
6:00 pm EDT -- Ever wonder why most DBZ music videos
suck? I think I've found the answer. I think that
tutorial single-handedly is contributing to the mis-education
of thousands upon thousands of aspiring music video
creators in the "DragonBall" community.
again, I'm probably just insulting some mid-teens
kid by posting a link to their site in a sarcastic
fashion... *shrugs*... it is kinda funny...
especially since all the videos are either Meri's
or from various DB fansites from years gone by...
well. I laughed. And then I cried.
"Applying filters in areas can enhance the
dramatic effect of the movie a lot." Right.
April 2003
of Goku 2" Announced
VegettoEX @
2:08 pm EDT -- The
Magic Box has a great new post with tons of images
from the newly announced "Legacy of Goku 2"
for the GameBoy Advance. Everyone looks so cute...
it's a shame I didn't want to play the first one for
more than five minues because it was so boring.
April 2003
Big Update, Courtesy of Me
Julian @ 6:45
pm EDT -- Spring break is finally upon me, so while
Mike is busy with college-y stuff, I'll be doing some
updating on my own this week. To start with, I've
added the next two kanzenban DB volume covers to the
section, and put up the fifth image for "Other
Artists Draw DB". I also fixed one more tracklisting
on the "Hit
Song Collection" page, and made various other
changes in the "Music"
and "Images"
intend to have a review of DBZ Complete Song Collection
2 up by the end of the week, plus maybe thoughts on
some of the Hit Song Collection CDs (since I now have
all the songs from certain ones). It really depends
on if my internet connection behaves itself, as it
hasn't lately.
enjoy the info and eye-candy. See ya next update~~!
April 2003
Fool's, and More Grumble
VegettoEX @
12:25 am EST -- So I'm sure about five of my visitors
are old enough to understood the April Fool's "joke"...
but that's OK. I know it brought a smile to my face
to see good ol' "Suushinchuu" again,
and I've gotten that same response commented to me
from a few people.
MUCH THANKS to Wuken for letting me put it up for
the day :D. Greatly appreciated.
AMV news, it appears the site from below has removed
the music video that was just "This
is Your Life" put to Linkin Park's "In
the End." This is nice, but they've still got
Lord Rae's "Trunks
Tribute" video up as their own... and it's
got a new title card inserted with that "creator's"
name... kinda bullshit, ya' think.. ? Dude, you can't
just go taking other peoples' work...
More updates later ^^.