What Mike and Julian are throwing
together here, is what (we hope) will eventually become the definitive
source and catalogue of all officially-sanctioned DragonBall books. You'll (eventually) find covers of all the daizenshuu,
movie comics, Japanese (tankôbon & kanzenban)
manga volumes, domestic volumes, video game books...you name it,
we'll have a picture! If you can't figure out exactly what book it is
you own, take a look through here to find out.
You may also
find the "Manga
Reference Guide" of some use, in figuring out what
the contents of your tankôbon are.
Daizenshuu ] [ Other
Guides ] [ Original
Japanese Tankôbon ] [ Movie
Tankôbon ]
[ Kanzenban ] [ American
Tankôbon - Original Printings ]
[ American Tankôbon
- "Shonen Jump" Printings ] [ Domestic
Shonen Jump ]
Daizenshuu |
big ones. The origin of this site's name. The daizenshuu.
Each book covers something new. The first one's
all-original illustrations, the second one's a story
guide, others are TV animation books, there's a
movie & TV special animation book, there's tons
of pure information about the manga and show, newer
ones concerning all the bazillions of cards released
in Japan... *trails off*
images JPEG; 500x700 level 5 |
Guides |
though the Daizenshuu are certainly the most visible all-encompassing guides to DB, they don't have a
monopoly on that market. Over the years, Shueisha has put out a number of smaller, paperback guides,
with a more specific focus than their larger brethren. Among them, the "DragonBall GT
Perfect Files," are guides to the ins and outs of DBGT; "DragonBall Z: Son Gokû
Densetsu" and "DragonBall: Tenka-ichi Densetsu" are anime guides to their respective
series, with special focus on either Goku (for the DBZ guide) or the Tenka-ichi Budôkai (for the DB guide);
and "DragonBall Landmark" and "DragonBall Forever" are companion volumes
to the Kanzenban re-release of the manga. All have some interesting, unique information, and the two GT guides (being out of print)
are especially rare. So, if you see 'em, don't hesitate!
images JPEG; 800x560 level 5 |
Japanese Tankôbon |
original Japanese DragonBall manga lasted
for a whopping 42 volumes. It ran from 15 September
1985 all the way to 9 August 1995. Each of the 42
volumes ("tankôbon") has
its own cover art, drawn by Toriyama-san,
in full color.
images JPEG; 350x550 level 5 |
Tankôbon |
has been a full-color tankôbon released
for every single DragonBall and DragonBall
Z movie, plus the two DBZ and one GT TV specials
(creating twenty, in all). They contain a few pages
of brief character introductions, so that just in
case you don't know someone here and there, you
can still keep up with what's going on.
images JPEG; 400x560 level 5 |
Kanzenban |
Late 2002, for Japan, was the beginning of a re-release
of every volume of the DragonBall manga,
called the "Kanzenban" (Perfect
Edition). Instead of the original 42-volume tankôbon
set, the Kanzenban will take up a mere 34
volumes, having about 15 chapters in each book.
Each Kanzenban volume sports a newly-drawn
cover by Akira Toriyama, himself. Every other issue
also includes a brochure with an image of DB characters
drawn by other popular manga artists (which you
can see in the Other
Artists Draw DB section). The character names
in parentheses, next to the volume numbers, refer
to what character(s) is/are featured on each cover.
All images JPEG; 820x595 level 8 (front and back
covers) |
Kanzenban # 01 (Son Goku / Yamcha) |
202 KB |
Kanzenban # 02 (Kame-Sen'nin / Pilaf) |
194 KB |
Kanzenban # 03 (Kuririn / Lunch) |
189 KB |
Kanzenban # 04 (Jackie Chun / the Tenka-ichi
Budôkai Announcer) |
178 KB |
Kanzenban # 05 (General Blue / Master Sergeant
Murasaki) |
190 KB |
Kanzenban # 06 (T'ao Pai-pai / Commander Red) |
190 KB |
Kanzenban # 07 (Adjutant Black in his mecha
/ Upa) |
173 KB |
Kanzenban # 08 (Uranai Baba & Goku / "Grandpa"
Son Gohan) |
208 KB |
Kanzenban # 09 (Tenshinhan & Chiao-tzu /
Tsuru-Sen'nin) |
209 KB |
Kanzenban # 10 (elderly Piccolo Daimaô
/ Piano) |
181 KB |
Kanzenban # 11 (young Piccolo Daimaô
/ Yajirobe) |
175 KB |
Kanzenban # 12 ("Ma Junior" Piccolo
/ Shen) |
200 KB |
Kanzenban # 13 (Goku & Piccolo in battle
/ Chi-Chi) |
175 KB |
Kanzenban # 14 (Raditz / young Son Gohan) |
177 KB |
Kanzenban # 15 (Kaiô-sama / Nappa) |
218 KB |
Kanzenban # 16 (Vegeta / a Saibaiman) |
194 KB |
Kanzenban # 17 (Freeza in his hoverchair / Dr.
Briefs) |
195 KB |
Kanzenban # 18 (Saichôrô
[the Eldest Namekian] & Kuririn / Dodoria) |
220 KB |
Kanzenban # 19 (The Ginyu Tokusentai
[Special Combat Squad] / Dende) |
226 KB |
Kanzenban # 20 (Freeza, looking down angrily
/ Captain Ginyu as a Frog) |
216 KB |
Kanzenban # 21 (final-form Freeza / 3rd-form
Freeza) |
212 KB |
Kanzenban # 22 (Super Saiyan Goku / Porunga) |
234 KB |
Kanzenban # 23 (Trunks / Cyborg Freeza) |
215 KB |
Kanzenban # 24 (Jinzôningen [Artificial
Humans] #16, #17 and #18 / #20) |
202 KB |
Kanzenban # 25 (1st-form Cell / Gohan) |
220 KB |
Kanzenban # 26 (2nd-form Cell & SSJ Vegeta /
Bulma) |
201 KB |
Kanzenban # 27 (SSJ Gohan & Perfect Cell / Mr. Satan) |
216 KB |
Kanzenban # 28 (Goku, Kaiô-sama & Bubbles / Cell about to blow up) |
204 KB |
Kanzenban # 29 (Goku, Gohan, & co. / Videl) |
205 KB |
Kanzenban # 30 (Kaiôshin-sama & Kibito / Babidi & Dabra) |
220 KB |
Kanzenban # 31 (Majin Buu / Trunks & Goten) |
190 KB |
Kanzenban # 32 (Kaiôshin-sama, Goku, Gohan, Kibito, & Old Kaiôshin / Gotenks) |
218 KB |
Kanzenban # 33 (SSJ3 Gotenks & Buu / a Super Kamikaze Ghost) |
216 KB |
Kanzenban # 34 (Goku, Gohan, Gotenks, Kuririn, Mr. Satan, Vegeta, Piccolo, & Tenshinhan / Tori-Bot) |
224 KB |
Tankôbon (Original Larger Printings) |
originally began releasing the DB and DBZ Graphic Novels
at a larger-than-tankôbon size, priced
at $14.95 US (later reduced to $12.95). DBZ volumes
1-10 were released before switching over to the
smaller "Shonen Jump" sizes (1-10 were
reprinted at the new size, and 11+ only have a SJ
printing). For more information about the different
editions of the English manga, be sure to check
out our "Manga
Reference Guide."
images JPEG; 400x580 level 5 (front covers) |
Tankôbon ("Shonen Jump" Printings) |
"Shonen Jump" versions of the Viz DB and DBZ Graphic
Novels are actually the second (or even third) version
that many of these volumes have had in English!
The "Shonen Jump" printings are a slightly-larger-than-tankôbon-sized
release of the manga, priced at $7.95. For more
information about the different editions of the
English manga, be sure to check out our "Manga
Reference Guide."
images JPEG; 800x480 level 5 (front and back covers) |
Jump (Domestic) |
DragonBall originally ran in Shonen
Jump in Japan, American fans had been subject to
painfully short monthly installments like every
other American comic for quite some time. In January
2003, Viz Communications released the first issue
of "Shonen Jump" in America, which includes
a few chapters of the DBZ era of the manga every
month. May 2004 is the first domestic Shonen
Jump to feature new kanzenban artwork by Akira
Toriyama. DBZ has officially ended its publication
in Shonen Jump as-of April 2005; it will
continue on in graphic-novel form only, as published
by Viz.
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