
EX - Updates from February
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February 2003
Up and Running! New GT Images!
@ 9:45 pm EST
-- The
so-called "Prelude to Fun" has arrived!
In addition to now hosting about 30
images from the first "DragonBall GT"
Perfect File book, you can find a brand spankin'
new "Contests"
page! Put those GT images to work... it's time for
you to make some good boxart!
# 1 should be familiar... Project: "DAN DAN."
I hope that some of you will send ME your submissions,
so I can host them on the site!
# 2 is yet another way for us fans to show just
how much we love the series and hate seeing it be
treated in a bad way. The new GT boxart sucks, we'll
all agree. So make better boxart, send it in, and
win great prizes!
to work! Spread the word! We want your submissions!
Huzzah! Love the exclamation points!!!
February 2003
Updates, Ego-Feeding, Prelude to Fun!
@ 10:52 pm EST
-- Egads...
been a few days! Sorry 'bout that folks.. things have
been crazy. Exams going on, hard at work on "Jet
Set Radio / Future" video... etc.
Julian's gone and updated a few things on the "Hit
CDs" and "CD
Sets" pages of the music
database, as well as adding in a completely new
tracklist for the DBZ movie 10 OST on the "Movie
Music" page. Good stuff! I'm planning on
doing a little house-cleaning and redesigning over
in the music
database soon, probably to match the index of
the images
page. I like that :D.
actually quite surprised at the number of e-mails
I get about my music videos; apparently people like
them, or something o.o;;. So for all you fans, I'm
happy to say that Meri and I are up for a total of
five nominations this year on Anime Music Videos.org's
"Viewer's Choice Awards" for our three collaborative
videos of the year ("The Professional,"
"Smoke," and "Alone in the
World"). You can download them and more new
videos over on my
music videos page, if you're interested in checking
them out :D.
for something very special in the coming days. People
have been looking for a little more interaction with
the site (other than editorials,
which we're dying for!), and well... you've got it.
Prepare yourselves :D.
February 2003
more "Covers" and New Tracklists
@ 10:52 pm EST
-- I've
gone ahead and added even MORE images to the brand
new "Covers"
section of the image gallery. You'll find scans of
most of the daizenshuu covers, the first four kanzenban,
and I've added the preview issue of the domestic Shonen
Jump, as well. It's already shaping up to be a huge
section! Expect more additions, soon.
done it again and provided us with a great new
track listing for the third and final 3-CD set
of the "Complete Song Collection" series
being released in Japan. Check that out over on the
Sets" page of the music database. You can
also find complete tracklistings for the DBZ movie
11 OST and 10th anniversary movie OST over on the
Movie Music" page of the database, as well.
sure to check out Project:
"DAN DAN" below! It's already spreading
like fire on all the message boards I'm seeing I'm
getting hit referrals from on my site tracking :P.
Good luck, have fun, and be sure to send me your entries
if you can!
February 2003
Image Section & "Project: DAN DAN"
@ 10:48 pm EST
-- So
the "Images"
section has gotten a complete overhaul today. In addition
to my making the main page of the "Images"
section not look like crap anymore, you'll find a
brand new section in there entitled "Covers."
Essentially, you're looking at a database of all books
ever released concerning "DragonBall,"
all arranged in proper fashion with images of their
covers (and back covers, if applicable). Right now,
we're starting it off with the movie tankôbon,
DBGT Perfect Files, and the domestic Shonen Jump.
So we're all
still in shock about the crap that is the dub GT theme.
seems to be running a contest where they want
you to record a video of yourselves singing the new
theme, which they'll pick winners from and use as
an extra on an upcoming DVD.
Hmm... how
can we turn this around on them... oh, I know!
here's a full CD quality version of "DAN DAN
Kokoro Hikarete 'ku"... karaoke version.
That's right, instrumental-only. I encourage as many
people as possible to record themselves singing "DAN
DAN" and send it in. Need the lyrics? No problem.
the fully romanized and translated lyrics, thanks
to Julian.
Sing away,
dedicated fans! Tell 'em VegettoEX sent ya'. Show
them who's boss >.<
Oh, and don't
forget my
new music video. It's nice. Thanks!
February 2003
Anime Music Video (Katsucon Submission)
@ 10:50 pm EST
-- So
it's a day later than I wanted to, but we ended up
playing "Budokai" most of last night (thanks,
Meri :D), and then spent most of the day in the city
today (yay.. protesters causing roads we needed to
be blocked off)... so I'm just now getting around
to putting it online.
on over to my
own AMV page to check out "Redemption,"
a video Meri
and I did over Thanksgiving break as our Katsucon
submission (the contest of which played last night
at the con, where it premiered). It's a "Rurouni
Kenshin" video, and it's only a minute long...
small 15 MB download. Action / parody.. you can't
go wrong!
me know what ya' think... I like getting e-mails
about the music videos :D.
February 2003
Rumors at Bay, UB22 Stuffage
@ 8:55 pm EST
-- Apparently
using the f-word brings another 200 visitors to the
site... neato. I'll keep that in mind.
we're all still pissed off about the theme. Yeah,
I know. It sucks (go download Zard's version of it
over on the "Music
Downloads" page) With all this going on,
I'm seeing TONS of rumors flying around: GT's earlier
episodes will be released later as part of DBZ, they're
not doing the earlier episodes at all, their site
starts with episode summaries around episode fifteen,
Meri's only my internet girlfriend, and all the children
of the world are dead.
thanks to Derek Smith for passing along this
link to the first volume of DBGT on DVD at RightStuf.
The description CLEARLY describes the first episode
of DBGT. However, the blue guy on the front... uhh..
I forgot his name (and please don't e-mail me to
tell me, because I don't care enough :P)... I
don't remember the first few episodes... but I don't
think he's in the first 62 minutes of the show. So
that's pretty interesting. Correct description, incorrect
to Derek again for this
link, which shows y'allz the new cover-art for
"Ultimate Battle 22" (compare
to the original Japanese cover-art) and you can
pre-order it if you want.
with all that junk in mind, check
out this page Meri scanned from the latest Suncoast
Rewards magazine. A few things are incorrect / stupid,
but hey... it's interesting. Thanks, Meri.
have our Katsucon
anime music video submission online tomorrow. It's
in the contest, if you're going to be there, this
weekend (Rurouni Kenshin - "Redemption").
That'll be neat. Julian's gonna be getting to translating
the third set of the new "Complete Song Collection"
CD sets in the near future. That's also pretty cool.
Started working on scans for a pretty neat new images
section. That'll be mad l33t k00l.
got mad crazy exams to study for. LaTeZ.
February 2003
ol' EX is back
@ 9:35 pm EST
-- I
haven't felt this way in a few years. I haven't said
something like this in a few years. I haven't needed
to say something like this in a few years.
go fuck yourselves.
don't know what it is, how it's going to be used,
or why it was created. Quite frankly, it doesn't matter,
at this point.
repeat: FUNimation... go fuck yourselves.
all go rant about it on "Tenkai,"
February 2003
Track Listing
@ 10:12 pm EST
-- Another big thanks to Julian for cramming in another
romanization and translation of yet another CD's track
listing. This time up it's the second "Ongakushû"
volume (which is essentially just the DBZ movie eight
soundtrack). You can check it out over on the DBZ
Movie Music page, which has a couple other updates
to it, as well.
Threw the
past updates from January onto it's
own page.
My VCR ate
the tape as it was recording the new TMNT episodes
yesterday. Very upset. Luckily it's downloading right
now :P. Ah, well... the full-combo "AA"
on "Matsuri Japan" maniac made up for it,
tonight. BUUYAH.
February 2003
Well, I'd Say This Confirms it...
@ 9:05 am EST
-- Thanks to Gregor on alt.fan.dragonball for making
the post: Zstore.com
has "Ultimate Battle 22" up for pre-order
(despite when clicking it, it brings you to a page
that doesn't have that item on it... great marketing,
This more
or less confirms the releaste date of 26 March 2003
other sites have been giving for the game domestically.
You're better off getting it (if you like torturing
yourself with games just as bad, if not worse, than
"Final Bout") at ebgames.com,
which has it for a mere $19.99.
Off to the
city for the day! Ja~
February 2003
"DragonBall" DVD Boxsets Cheap!
@ 12:58 pm EST
-- Thanks to those who have let me know via alt.fan.dragonball
and e-mail. You can currently find the "Red
Ribbon Army" DVD boxset (2 discs) up for
pre-order on Amazon for a ridiculously low $22.46!
It doesn't come out until the 25th, but if you know
you're going to be purchasing it, do yourself a favor
and save a crapload of money. FUNimation's ZStore.com
is trying
to pass it off for $39.95.
Updates coming?
Sure! Got a new multimedia section I'm going to be
starting... got the one editorial I was writing, plus
I'm thinking about doing a part-two of "uR
W3B SiGht SuX0rZ~!" Look for it soon :D.
February 2003
Links Update
@ 12:23 am EST
-- Went through the "Links"
page, cleaned it up, wrote much nicer descriptions
for all the fansites, and added a whopping TWO (whoa!)
links. I still have a bunch of link submissions I'm
sitting on, so don't start e-mailing me, yet, with
death threats wondering why you weren't linked. Maybe
later :P.
Got my "Ongakushû:
Vol. 2" CD today. Yay.
Oh. Just wanted
to share this. "Boom Boom Dollar ~K.O.G. 3
Mix~" has always been my favorite DDR song,
specifically on trick (it's not the hardest, but I
just love the pattern at the end). Played it on DWI
the other day. I know DWI's got a pretty lenient grading
system in terms of "Perfect!" vs "Great!"
but still... you gotta give
some props for this. I had no idea I did it until
I finished the song, either.
Just gotta
get that full combo on "Matsuri Japan"
maniac... got two "Good!" and one "Miss!"
today... rest was a full combo... this was on the
actual PS game... fell off the pad at the end... ;_;
February 2003
Staff Thought?!
@ 10:05 pm EST --
Well, it's not the first one I had planned on posting,
but it's the first one that got done. Meri and I sat
down this evening (what a fun Saturday night! Well,
it's not over yet :P) and typed up an extensive editorial...
what a way to get back into the swing of things!
It's entitled
W3B SiGht SuX0rZ~!" The content of this editorial
is something that I think is extremely important:
all "DragonBall" fansites, including this
one. Check it out, and let me know what you think.
You might even find yourself redesigning your site
tonight ^_~.
In case you
haven't noticed by now, the "Staff Thoughts"
section has been moved inside the normal "Editorials"
section. Makes sense.
As I somewhat
hinted at, I've got another editorial that I started
today. Dunno when I'll get around to finishing it,
but it's gonna be another fun one to write. Keep those
editorial submissions coming! I'm not getting many
yet, but they are starting to trickle in.
Oh, and be
sure to check out the update, below... lots of good
content :D.