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  Daizenshuu EX - Updates from March 2003  

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31 March 2003

Grumble, Grumble
VegettoEX @ 11:08 am EST -- Attention would-be aspiring DBZ music video creators:

Taking "This is Your Life" and placing it to a Linkin Park song doesn't mean you've made "one of [your] best videos." It means you stole someone else's work and made something that's an insult to the original work and creator. Second video down. Yeah. You wonder why DBZ music video creators have such a horrible reputation.

I've seen taking clips from other peoples' videos, or claim someone else's video as their own (see next paragraph) but I've never seen someone just blatantly take an entire video and put a different song to it... and then post it up as their own new video.

Then again, this is also the same site that just look Lord Rae's "Trunks Tribute" (one of the most popular DBZ music videos) call it something else, turned it into a WMV, and posted it up (fourth video down).

I get e-mails from visitors saying people on other sites are claiming to have created Scott's videos, but this is the first time Scott's gotten an e-mail over someone taking the video, adding a different song to it, compressing the hell out of it, and claiming it's a new video :P. *poke, poke*. We seeee you...

I hate to be so negative over something that may seem to trivial, but when it's something like "This is Your Life" that I've got such a high emotional attachment to (seeing it created from scratch to what it became, donating DVDs to it, coming up with some ideas for it)... it really hurts to see this happen. A lot.

30 March 2003

Regular ol' Fun Stuff
VegettoEX @ 2:39 pm EST -- Julian's gone an updated a few things over in the "Music Database," improving it as always. You'll find a new image and updated tracklisting for the latest and final "Complete Song Collection" from Japan, volume four of this series. Check it out on the "CD Sets" page.

Also, be sure to check out the update below for everyone's favorite new game, "Fukunaga Snipe" !!

29 March 2003

Regular ol' Fun Stuff
VegettoEX @ 5:21 pm EST -- Sorry for the little bit of downtime, earlier. Rutgers was installing a backup generator, but everything seems to be up and running again fine.

Honestly, I really don't have all that much to report or share with you folks.... other than...

This link, which is absolutely fantastic.

That's right. Gen Fukunaga's father is a professor at Purdue University. His students have set up a game where you gain points by taking pictures of Professor Fukunaga in various DBZ t-shirts and guessing what color shirt he'll wear next.

Easily the greatest site on the internet, right now.

The chat's going pretty good, so stop on by :D. We've already got a few "regulars" to the channel.

25 March 2003

Chat Up and Running
VegettoEX @ 11:08 pm EST -- We're trying it again, many years later... a chat room! "Tenkai" has been getting a lot of posts lately, which is great (keep it up!), but I think a live chat could be another nice addition.

Head on over to the "Chat" page and check out the details on how to join in on the fun... or lack of fun... I guess... depends on who's there :D.

23 March 2003

"Complete Song Collection 1" Review, Julian's First Post
Julian @ 9:45 pm EST -- My first post on the main page!
Huzzah am I.

I've put up my thoughts on the first "Complete Song Collection" CD set on the "CD Sets" page, so check it out. Read it, love it, buy the set.

Anyways, I'd better be going, before I get the urge to take over the site, or something. So...Mata na~~!

New Music Video, Shonen Jump Cover
VegettoEX @ 7:28 pm EST
-- Whee! The complete "Jet Set Radio" anime music video project is available for download on its site, so go for it! Pretty hefty download, but it's fun. I've put up my own individual track for download in the "Music Videos" section.

Also, I've updated the "Covers" section with the cover for April's "Shonen Jump." There is no back cover scan because the back cover was the same as the front cover, this month :D.

20 March 2003

Boxart Winners Announced; Contest Over!
VegettoEX @ 12:10 am EST -- Damn, what an awesome contest that was! I got so many entries (didn't expect that many!), and so many of them were just jaw-droppingly awesome. I won't spoil anything ahead of time, so...

Go check out the winners to (and all the entries to!) the DBGT Boxart Contest!

I had a really great time running the contest, so definitely look for more like this in the future!

Julian and I will have some updates pretty soon, so stay tuned (maybe I'll get Julian to even update by himself! w00t!). Later~~

16 March 2003

New Fun Images, New (Meri's) Music Videos
VegettoEX @ 12:55 pm EST -- Yo! First up, I just wanna say that there won't be any updates between midnight tonight and Wednesday, as Rutgers will be performing some upgrades to machines over spring break, so FTP access will be down.

So check out all this awesome stuff over the next three days :D. The first thing to take a look at is the awesome new "Images" section we've added: "Other Artists Draw DB." What is this, you ask? Every other kanzenban comes with a brochure with an image of the "DragonBall" world drawn by a current-huge manga artist. Just check 'em out! We're starting off with all four images that have been released.

So I'm hosting four music videos of Meri's. Since I'm a jerk, and I'm hosting them, I want them for MY site, too! (hehe..) So head on over to the "Music Videos" section to find it a little rearranged (Scott's got his own page, now), and four of Meri's anime music videos (couple award winners, of course!).

I did a little cleaning up of the "Music Database," including adding a couple CD singles and DEEN CDs.

Boxart contest ends Wednesday... got about 40 submissions, so far... winners will be difficult to choose, but I love every single one of them! Get your last-minute submissions in.

Gotta run!

13 March 2003

New "Complete Song Collection" (4th Vol.) Tracklisting
VegettoEX @ 11:45 am EST -- I'm still working on trying to convince Julian that it's perfectly fine for him to update without me... ^_~

The fourth (and final? heh) "Complete Song Collection" (all three discs of it) has had its tracklisting posted in the "CD Sets" section of the music database. This one's subtitle is "Eien no Yakusoku," and contains some of the best (and hardest to find!) songs, such as the DBZ movie 10-13 closing themes, "Hikari no Willpower" and"Never Ending, Never Give Up."

And unlike me, Julian's no lazy, so he put up the cover image for the third "Complete Song Collection," which you'll also find on the "CD Sets" page. Some other parts of the music database have been spruced up a bit, so take a look around.

Blah blah blah, contest still goin on, blah blah blah.

12 March 2003

Contest Extended! New Images!
VegettoEX @ 11:25 am EST -- Hah! I've been working nearly all night and morning getting it complete, but I've scanned over sixty images from the second "DragonBall GT" Perfect File book, which have all been added to the site!

With this in mind... you've got an extended week to work on boxart for the contest! Yep... I'm giving everyone another week. On top of that, if you've already submitted your max two entries, you can rest assured that you can still participate with these new images. You're welcome to submit no more than one (1) more image to the contest if you've already submitted two.

Entries are due Wednesday, March 19th by noon (12 pm). The contest will not be extended any later than this! Remember that you are free to use images from this site, but you're also free to use any images from whatever source you wish.

All contest information can be found on the "Contests" page.

11 March 2003

CD News, FUNimation Back-Stab
VegettoEX @ 11:33 pm EST -- Julian recently discovered that the "Complete Song Collection" series is getting a fourth three-CD set in the near future! Look for all the songs that have been missed so far, including later-movie ending themes. We'll have a track listing as soon as one is available. Until then, read over the track listings for the first three sets and drool!

In FUNimation news, we reported a few days ago about the "preview" for GT on the "A New Beginning" disc. Well, it's worse than we thought.

Check it out (MPEG, 4.2 MB). And make sure you step into the grand tour!!!

Not only are they throwing in horrible fansub quality (yeah, 'cuz mine are so terrible looking), but like we mentioned, they cut-off "DAN DAN Kokoro Hikarete 'ku" and shove the rap theme in our face.

Wow. Endless transitions and special effects! Let's take some boring scenes from "DAN DAN" (and not even play the actual vocal song, mind you) and compare it with constantly changing ki blasts from the series played to rap music! Yeah, that'll piss off everyone! This is the kinda bullshit we parodied in the "All-Purpose DBZ Music Video."

In addition to this, we finally got an insert (front / back). Yep. Finally. The last disc of the entire series (well, chronologically). Guess what it is? A half-sized insert plugging GT. Which doesn't even start at episode one. With the terrible new logo. And bad images. Ugh.

Just... just... stop insulting us ;_;. So sick of being pissed off, again... *sigh*

Thanks to Meri for buying the DVD and ripping the scene for me... :D

I encourage everyone to continue participating in Project: "DAN DAN"... and get your boxart entries in!

10 March 2003

"Temple O' Trunks" at new URL
VegettoEX @ 7:44 pm EST -- Meri's site has moved to be sure to make the changes on all your links pages, people! Plug it as much you can! It's hard to get word around when URLs change... be sure to help out :D.

Two new Links
VegettoEX @ 12:10 pm EST -- I've added two new links over on the... well... "Links" page. Both are actually links that I've had in the past, but had neglected to keep in the layout transfer, but I'm glad to have them both back up!

Get those submissions in for the boxart contest! I've gotten quite a bit more in the last couple days, and I'm hoping for a bigger pile on top of those! Only a few days left...

"Jet Set Radio" video is completely done. Hopefully have that up on here, soon. DDR: 4th Mix and Otakon submissions are next in line to complete!

06 March 2003

More DBGT Images; Use them for the Contest!
VegettoEX @ 12:02 pm EST -- Submissions for the boxart contest have slowed down a little bit, again, so I figured now would be the perfect time to get interest in it going again by posting up a whole slew of new images from the "DragonBall" GT Perfect File 1 book! You can find 19 new images for it over on the images page for the book.

Remember... you don't HAVE to use images from this site for the contest, but these are at least conveniently all in one place! Get to work!

In other site news, I know Julian's been working on his first editorial for the site. I've also been working on one (the sequel to "uR W3B SiGht SuX0rZ"), but I've been taking a different approach; writing it during classes when I would otherwise fall asleep. I find it keeps me awake, and half-paying attention is better than not paying attention at all :P. I'm up to about 10 hand-written pages so far... maybe halfway done... it's insane...

My "Jet Set Radio" project video is almost done (as it needs to be submitted in about a week), so look for that soon :D.

03 March 2003

More Dub GT Stuffage
VegettoEX @ 11:55 pm EST -- Gregor passed along a link to the "Ocean Dragonball Media Database," which has some clips of the English "DAN DAN Kokoro Hikarete 'ku" (which isn't really an English "DAN DAN"... heh) and some other fun stuff. Check 'em out. You'll need RealPlayer (ugh.. heh :D).

English "DAN DAN"... in England!
VegettoEX @ 8:24 pm EST -- Well, the reports are coming in (but specific thanks to "Trunks Briefs" (I dunno what to call you, d00d). "DragonBall GT" has begun airing in England on CNX.

It has an English version of "DAN DAN Kokoro Hikarete 'ku," uses the original score, and I guess is decently dubbed.

Too bad it's the Ocean dub that we'll never see in the states. I repeat... this is not the FUNimation dub; this is the Ocean Studios (Blue Water) dub that will never air in the United States (maybe in Canada at some point... you guys never seem to know what dub you've got on TV).

I guess FUNimation wants to rape us in the bum some more, or at least just keep pressing the issue that they're super rap artists. From "GregorTheGame" on concerning the DVD release of DBZ: "Kid Buu - A New Beginning":

Extras has a preview of DBGT... and has Dan Dan playing while it says "think you know GT?" and then all of a sudden that gay rap shit comes on and well it sucked.

Go talk about it on "Tenkai." Start whining.. it's fun to read. :P

Anyway, all the more reason to sing your own version of "DAN DAN" and send it to FUNimation ^o^. On a similar subject, more entries are coming in for the boxart contest... keep 'em coming! The more, the merrier! Great prizes up for grabs...

01 March 2003

Music Database Updates, Viz Manga News, Editorials!
VegettoEX @ 6:59 pm EST -- Julian's gone ahead and revamped the "Misc. DB Music" page with correct romanizations and translations, as well as fixing a few things here and there on other pages in the "Music Database." Godly, as always.

Also from Julian: "In Viz news, this month's DB issue was the last of the monthlies. Viz has decided that the monthly-comic format is just not that economical for manga (I guess they plan to go all-anthology at some point... Jump was just the beginning), and as such, the rest of the chapters (4 volumes worth, plus the end of vol. 12 and the beginning of vol. 17) will be published in their respective graphic novels only. Also, the graphic novels are being re-released in the new, smaller, and more-economical "Shonen Jump" format. These will be roughly the same size as the original Japanese Tankôbon and retail for $7.95 each (half of what the larger ones sold for, before the price drop to $13). The new editions of DB and DBZ volumes 1-7 come out later this month."

Julian turns the big 18 tomorrow, so wish him a happy birthday. Hah... he's just a young, one :P. I remember back in my day... *cough*.. uhh... anyway... :D...

The "Editorials" section has finally been updated with some new fan submissions! Ah, yes... back to the days of whining about DVDs, dubbies vs subbies... it makes a grown man cry... *sob*... There's three new ones, so check 'em out.

Haven't gotten any Project: "DAN DAN" files, but I've already gotten quite a few submission for the boxart contest! Keep 'em coming... I'm loving them. Keep in mind that you don't have to use the images on this site... you're free to gather images from whatever source you'd like! Remember, there's some great prizes up for grabs!

Sorry for the lack of updates on a daily or bi-daily basis, but I've got my "Jet Set Radio / Future" anime music video due in a couple weeks, and I'm working on finishing that up. Ja!