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Detailed Synopsis ]
Z Movie # 6
100-Oku Pawâ no Senshi-tachi"
("Clash!! 10,000,000,000
Powerful Warriors")
Return of Cooler"
in space, we see New Namek with an apparent eclipse.
As the confused Namekians watch, they quickly
realize that this is no normal eclipse! It is,
in fact, a giant ship approaching and landing
on their planet! Before the ship lands, however,
it grows "arm"-type extensions and covers
the planet. The ground begins to crumble, and
the Namekians run in fear. Back on Earth, Mr.
Popo tells Dende that he needs to place his faith
in Goku and the others...
screen, "CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA")
giant Capsule Corporation ship floats in
space. Inside, Goku and the others are enjoying
rice cakes. Everyone laughs, saying that it will
be a piece of cake with Goku along for the ride.
Gohan asks what kind of place New Namek is, while
Yajirobe wonders how on Earth he
was forced to go along for the ride. In a different
room, all alone, Piccolo stares out into space,
and wonders if they're there yet.
the monitor, everyone sees the giant object that
has engulfed New Namek. Oolong asks if two planets
can kiss; Gohan says it looks like Namek is being
eaten. The ship approaches the planet, and moves
into landing mode.
the ground, an elder Namekian runs away at top
speed, but is caught by robots with nets. Muri
and the other Namekians are forced into chain-gangs
and led away. A fighter-Namekian breaks out of
his handcuffs (much to Muri's dismay), but is
caught by the neck by one of the robots, and thrown
to the ground. The robot opens its "arm"
and prepares to fire a shot... but Gohan appears
from above and knocks the blast to the ground.
Muri, in an astonished look, realizes that Goku
and the others have landed. The robots begin to
gather, and Piccolo tells them to leave the Namekians
alone. In the distance, Oolong, Yajirobe, and
Kame-Sen'nin watch in horror as hundreds of robots
gather. Goku, in typical fashion, says that he
does not want any needless fighting. A familiar
voice from behind the robots greets Goku. A metallic
looking being walks forward, almost glowing with
reflected sunlight. Goku quickly realizes, as
the tail hits the ground, who he's dealing with...
it's Coola! Everyone else mentions that he should
be dead. Goku has a quick flashback to his fight
with Coola on Earth, where he pushed Coola, Freeza's
brother, into the sun with a massive Kamehameha,
after transforming into a Super Saiyan.
explains that he has been granted new life thanks
to the Big Gete Star. Piccolo realizes that this
"Star" must be the "planet"
attacking New Namek. Oolong, Yajirobe, and Kame-Sen'nin
prove to be nothing more than comedy as the fighters
all take on the robots. Kuririn is smacked before
he can even attack, while Gohan can only blast
in fear as the robots move so quickly. Piccolo takes
on a flurry of attacks from multiple robots on
his own. Goku and Coola stand face-to-face, neither
moving... but both powering-up, as rocks begin
to rise into the air around them. Kame-Sen'nin
prepares to fight, and hits an attacking robot
in the chest. It appears to work... until he flails
around with a hurt hand! The robots take off with
Oolong, Yajirobe, and Kame-Sen'nin in nets, captured.
takes off his weighted clothing, saying that his
warm-up is complete. Kuririn attacks a few robots
on his own with a series of punches; like Kame-Sen'nin,
though, it does little more than hurt his hand.
We see that Gohan has also hurt his hand, unable
to damage the robots in the least. Gohan is smacked
to the ground, when Kuririn suddenly falls on
him, knocked out of the air by robots.
The two stand up back-to-back, noting that the
robots' defenses are simply too strong. Piccolo
lands on his own, saying that their armor is too
strong; they'll have to concentrate their ki
and attack in full-powered bursts. the fighters
all take off to attack the robots. They soon find
that after dodging a punch, they have a quick
opening to smash into the robots with a free hand
and release a burst of energy, effectively causing
them to explode. Kuririn, asking "why is it just me,"
is smacked in the cheek, and falls to the ground...
but, thankfully, gets up and manages to destroy
a robot. Piccolo seems to handle himself the best,
tearing through robot after robot. The robots
catch on, though, and multiple ones fire extending
arms at
who responds with the same ability, taking out
a few in the process. Gohan manages to fly through
a robot, causing an explosion that takes out others,
as well. The robots all begin to fire their extending
arms and clamp-like hands to catch the fighters.
Piccolo is caught, and is fired at with bullets
by the robot, creating a large cloud of dust in
the sky. At the same time, Kuririn and Gohan are
carried off by robots while more and more robots
fire at Piccolo.
on the ground, Goku launches a series of punches
at Coola, which are all either caught or easily
dodged. Goku grabs Coola's tail and throws him
to the ground, launching into a Kaiô-Ken
retreat and re-attack. Coola takes a punch to
the chest with no damage, which prompts Goku to
fire another series of punches and kicks... none
of which do any damage. Coola lands just a few
punches to Goku, clearly causing him great pain.
He creates a giant Death Ball, just as he had
done earlier, and quickly throws it at Goku on
the ground. When the dust settles, Coola notes
that he was not able to detect Goku's movement...
how was he able to get behind him? Goku says that
it's his Shunkan-idô (instantaneous
movement) technique.
remarks that he can do it, as well, and the two
trade attacks and teleportations. Goku is grabbed
mid-teleport, and slammed into a mountain. Coola
rushes forward and knees Goku in the chest, but
his attack is stopped as Goku explodes into a
golden aura. Coola jumps back, and remarks that
Goku has FINALLY transformed into a Super Saiyan...
he would want it no other way, for now they can
truly see who the strongest in the universe is.
in the robot area, the dust and smoke clears to
reveal that Piccolo has sustained no damage. Piccolo
explodes outward in a burst of energy, disintegrating
the entire fleet of robots in the single blast.
Tossing the remains of a robot aside, he takes
off in the direction Gohan was taken... the Big
Gete Star.
now a Super Saiyan, begins a new series of attacks
on Coola, all of which are easily dodged. He rushes
forward, screaming that it's not his fault if
Coola is destroyed, and slams into the villain.
Coola's entire left side is destroyed... but suddenly
begins to rebuild itself! A new arm is molded,
as Coola explains that the Big Gete Star's main
computer analyzes the situation, and rebuilds
him as-necessary. He cannot be defeated! Goku
asks even if he's blown to smithereens, will that
be enough? Coola smirks and tells him to find
out. Goku's attacks are continuously dodged and
parried, as Coola grabs the Super Saiyan by the
neck and prepares to kill him.
kick to the neck knocks Coola aside, and two boots
land on the ground... Vegeta has arrived. "Don't
take us Saiyans so lightly," the Prince
remarks as he, too, transforms into a Super Saiyan.
Coola is excited beyond belief to find that there
are now TWO Super Saiyans, saying that it matters
not how many there are... he will kill all of
the monkeys. Vegeta's attacks are just as easily
dealt with, prompting Goku to jump into the
fight, as well. Coola teleports in front of Vegeta,
but Goku knocks him to the ground before he can
hit Vegeta, who retaliates with his trademark
Big Bang Attack... which Coola teleports away
from, knocking Vegeta out of commission in two
attacks. He launches a new attack at Goku and
Vegeta, and they scream in pain...
the Big Gete Star, a small guide robot politely asks
for silence, explaining that it's time to mash
everyone up, now, since they will all be used
for energy for the Big Gete Star! Yajirobe attacks
the robot, who is delighted to find his first
volunteer. Piccolo arrives on the ship, and looks
in horror as a figure in the distance launches
a blast at him...
and Vegeta get up from underneath a pile of rubble,
both clearly in pain. Vegeta, prideful as ever,
tells Goku to not tell him what to do, and not
get in his way! The two explode into full-power
mode as Coola runs towards them in the distance.
They slam into him, as Goku had done before, causing
him to fall to pieces. Before he can rebuild,
however, they launch new attacks, halting the
Big Gete Star's rebuilding process. Pieces and
pieces fall to the ground and explode, as Goku
and Vegeta collapse, fall out of Super Saiyan,
and remark that they've used up almost all of
their power. Goku, clearly out of it, looks up
as rubble falls to the ground... and sees a complete
Coola on the mountain side. As he and Vegeta continue
to watch in utter horror, hundreds upon hundreds
of Metal Coolas appear on the mountaintop in
the distance. With an echoed voice, Coola explains
that this is the true power of the Big Gete Star,
and asks if they honestly believe they can defeat
these, never mind a single one. The hundreds of
Metal Coolas pour down the mountain towards the
two heroes, who both transform into Super Saiyans,
again. The screen explodes in a golden aura...
the Big Gete Star, Goku and Vegeta are propped
and tied up via a series of electrical cables.
In the distance, a bluish orb, what little remains
of the true Coola's head, explains the history
of the Big Gete Star to them. Long ago, a single
computer chip in space began traveling around
incorporating whatever it could, when it eventually
came across Coola's remains and merged with him.
Coola then explains that he plans on taking all
of their Super Saiyan energy, and begins to drain
them as they scream in pain. In a hallway on the
ship, another Metal Coola fights a confused Piccolo.
The new Planet Namek begins to crumble and drain
away as the planet is sucked dry along with the
two Super Saiyans.
believes the two to be drained completely, and
is astonished at the level of energy... any more,
and it would have been an overload. For some reason,
the circuits begin to flow again, despite Goku
and Vegeta apparently not being conscious. The
ship begins to explode in places... Goku and Vegeta,
both still half-lifeless, reach out and grab the
circuits and pour everything they have
into the Big Gete Star, causing even more great explosions
throughout the entire ship.
Coola fighting Piccolo explodes, leaving him even
more confused than before. Just before Yajirobe's
head is cut off (much to the delight of the polite
robot), the machines (and the robot!) explode,
causing the prison to fall apart. Gohan and the
others escape to find a crowd of Coolas... all
of which explode, leaving a figure in the shadows
and smoke. "Gohan!" it calls... Piccolo
is fine!
Big Gete Star explodes even MORE than before,
and begins to take off from the planet. Goku tells
Coola that his mistake, once again, was to underestimate
the power of a Super Saiyan. Gohan and the others
arrive, but Goku screams for them to leave. Muri
and the other Namekians look from the ground as
the Big Gete Star departs their planet slowly,
rising into the air.
inside, Goku rises to his feet, telling Coola
that he no longer has his metal selves to fight
for him. Coola, with a typical reply, remarks
that he has more than enough power to defeat Goku
and Vegeta. Goku forms a relatively small, golden
ball of energy, but is caught in a mess of wires.
Goku and Vegeta, both in intense pain,
that there is nothing impossible for them. Vegeta
falls to the ground, again, but Goku breaks free
and tosses the remains of the energy ball into Coola's
wire-and-circuits body, causing him to scream
in pain and explode. We see Coola's eye float
away in the explosion...
space, the Big Gete Star completely explodes...
on Namek, everyone watches as Goku (smiling, of
course) and Vegeta fall down from the sky, alive
and well. Obviously, the two slam into the ground
and get stuck, but no-one seemed to think THAT
would happen! Yajirobe gives Goku a Senzu, and
is asked where Vegeta is. Goku says that he must
have taken off after being given a Senzu. In space,
Vegeta flies off in his own private space pod,
holding Coola's main computer chip in his hand...
which he slams closed, crushing the chip, uttering
his famous "Hmph!"
credits, "HERO (Kimi ga Hîrô)")
written by Michael LaBrie ]