[ DB in Japan,
2003 ] [ DBAF: April Fool's
2004 ]
[ Ultimate Uncut Editions
] [ DBZ You've Never Seen

latest update: April 17th @ 10:15 pm ]
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opened. We put ours in. We waited. And waited. And waited.
it got delayed.
now it's here.
fifth and final "Dragon Box" has seen its release,
and fanboys across the world were actually able to afford
this one. That includes us.
the uninitiated, the "Dragon Box" releases are
expensive DVD boxsets released in Japan by Toei Animation.
They are quasi-remastered ("extremely touched-up"
is probably the best way to describe it), progressive,
Region 2, entirely in Japanese, have no subtitles, and
are primarily aimed at the Japanese market of consumers
who grew up with the show and now have the disposable
income to spend on it. 2003 saw the beginning of the releases
with the first DBZ "Dragon Box" (episodes
1-147), followed by the second DBZ TV Dragon
Box, the DragonBall TV Dragon Box, and the DragonBall
GT Dragon Box. All that was left was the movies.
And here it is.
going to set this up as a "blog"-style feature
page. There's simply too much to read, translate, take
pictures of, edit pictures of, and type up. It would be
impossible to do it all at once. So we'll do it in bits
and pieces as we get to it. We'll start you off with the
basics (all the packaging, extra bits, etc.). We'll eventually
take you into the deep, dark specifics of everything you
could ever possibly want to know. But let's just get started.

13th @ 4:01 am
e-mail from Amazon Japan has arrived in my inbox. The
Dragon Box has shipped. Included is the tracking number.
Two to five days.
14th @ 7:00 am
ready for work, I check my e-mail and then the tracking
number. At 1:31 am, it entered Ohio. At 2:31 am, it had
completed its checking and sorting.
14th @ at work during the morning
calls me early in the work day to tell me that the package
is already in our town, according
to the tracking information. Shortly thereafter, she calls
me again to inform me that the package has arrived at
our doorstop. She goes home to throw it inside.
14th @ 5:15 pm
home, biznitches. Let's rock.

cats are completely enthralled with the idea of having
a new box to sniff at and walk around. Unfortunately for
them (or possibly quite fortunately), there's a ton more
cardboard to come out of here. It's opening time! Cut,
cut, cut, cut...

there's a box inside a box! Boy, will there be more...

we're getting somewhere!

get unpacking!

this point, Tara is more than amusing herself.

wrong with a little shameless self-promotion.

we're getting into the good stuff. The real deal.

there you have it. Let's take a closer look at the book
and DVD case covers.

14th @ 11:30 pm
Now that I've updated the site, let's break down the movies
per disc in case you don't know:
1: |
Movies 1, 2, 3 |
2: |
Z: Movies 1, 2, 3 |
3: |
Z: Movies 4, 5 |
4: |
Z: Movies 6, 7 |
5: |
Z: Movies 8, 9 |
6: |
Z: Movies 10, 11 |
7: |
Z: Movies 12, 13 |
8: |
10th Anniversary Movie |
15th @ 12:30 pm
played around with the scouters for a bit earlier today.
That's right, it comes with two scouters. They each take
one 9-volt battery. Luckily, we just happened to have
a couple sitting around. I hurt the Hell out of my thumbs
trying to pry the gray plastic part over the edge so I
could get to the screw to in turn put the battery in.
In the end, I was able to do so. You don't get much in
the way of ANYTHING unless you pull out the antenna at
least a little bit. Like a standard walkie-talkie, you
hold the button to talk. Pretty neat. We haven't done
much in the way of distance... just from different rooms
of the apartment.

now the horror story. Yesterday I had only been tossing
the discs in on the JP PS2. Now, I haven't done much with
the PS2 DVD software... because it's crap. I didn't bother
switching it over to letterbox, so it was playing the
anamorphic video stretched out to full-screen. So today
I dug out the old DVD player that I had hacked to region-free,
and threw in a disc. Amazingly, the "OPEN" button
on the front of the player magically worked again... but
it kept trying to load the disc and rebooting. And rebooting.
And rebooting. Before it could accept the "OPEN"
command. Uh oh. Movies 12 & 13 are now stuck in the

I busted out the screwdriver again and tore the damn player
apart. I was eventually able to pry / force the disc out
without destroying it, so I was happy. I then immediately
went back to the PS2s. I loaded up the DVD software on
both the US PS2 and the JP PS2, so I could compare menu
options. I found the option for switching from stretched
to letterboxed, and I am now happy. OK, I'm not completely
happy since the PS2 DVD player is complete and utter crap,
but it'll hold me over for a little bit until I get all
the other hardware around the house sorted out.
15th @ 2:40 pm
got around to sitting down and watching
one of the movies. Started out with movie 13, since we
haven't seen it in a long while (oh fansub, where are
you?!), and... err... it's very pretty, and very good.
Man, what a sexy transfer. Absolutely gorgeous. The sound
is amazing, as well.

17th @ 10:15 pm
a nice walk outside, we plopped on the couch to check
out DBZ movie 1. We really enjoy this movie for its fantastic
music (tons of which was later used in the TV series),
its great in-between DB & DBZ animation style (everyone's
so nice and round!), and its great color scheme. Lots
of nice deep colors. Once again, I found myself in utter
shock at how gorgeous everything looked. Bright colors,
distinct outlines, pristine audio, etc. It was just an
absolute pleasure. I decided to do a quick comparison
of all three releases of the movie (the original joint-FUNimation/Pioneer
DVD from 1997, the so-called "Ultimate Uncut Edition"
re-release from FUNimation last year, and now the Dragon
Box release). Click
the image below for a full-sized comparison (PNG).
Other than adjusting the aspect ratio and adding a border,
nothing was done to the images. No filtering, no color
adjustments, etc.

can't wait to watch some more movies and do more comparison
screen shots! Some folks in the chat and forum are doing
their own, as well, so be on the lookout for those!
23rd @ 3:50 pm
been a while since we put anything up, so let's keep going!
Right now we want to share a comparison image from DBZ
movie 7. Rather than a side-by-side like the above DBZ
movie 1 image, this one's a single image chopped in half.
On the left is the Dragon Box version, and on the right
is the FUNimation version. Notice the distinct different
shades of colors in each respective version. You'll also
be hard-pressed to not notice all the rainbows going on
in the FUNimation version (check out Trunks' hair), as
well as all the grain in the sky. Also notice how FUNimation's
version seems to be zoomed-in slightly towards the lower
area. Click
the image below for a full-sized 720x480 lossless

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