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Z Movie # 5
no Saikyô tai Saikyô"
("The Incredible Mightiest
vs. Mightiest")
feature begins with a scene from the Bardock TV
special, as Bardock has already appeared in space
to challenge Freeza. The narrator explains that
Bardock, alone, has challenged him, and we are
shown (at the same moment), a baby "Kakarrot"
is being sent to Earth in a spacepod. Bardock
launches his attack screaming "Kore de
saigo da!" ("This is the end!")...
but it is no use; Freeza responds with a massive
Death Ball.
a spaceship, three fighters in Freeza's style
of armor are watching the events on four giant
screens. They notice that a "Saiyan brat"
is flying away in a spacepod, and decide to shoot
it down. A familiar voice tells them not to...
it is Freeza's fault that one has escaped, and
HE must be the one to deal with the repercussions.
As this person floats forward in his hovercraft,
he turns around saying that Freeza is "too
soft"... and we realize that this person
is indeed NOT Freeza... but someone else...
screen, "CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA")
Kame-Sen'nin's, Goku trains outside by tossing
Kamehameha blasts into the ocean, parting the
waves. Kame-Sen'nin notes that Goku has gotten
incredibly stronger since returning from Planet
Namek! Inside, Gohan continues onwards with his
studies as Haiya Dragon looks on, much to Chi-Chi's
disgust. Goku yells for Haiya Dragon not to disturb
Gohan, which perplexes Chi-Chi (who drinks the
refreshments she just brought for Gohan!). She
thinks Goku has finally lost it! In reality, Goku
just wants Gohan to finish up quickly so they
can all go camping! Inside pop Kuririn and Oolong,
all decked out in their camping gear.
some planet, the mysterious Freeza-like being
is given the news that Freeza has been killed
by a Saiyan from Earth named "Son Goku."
He gets up from his new "throne," and
demands that they take off for Earth to eradicate
the Saiyan race completely!
the camping site, a meal is cooking on the fire,
stirred by Kuririn. Goku is off in the woods catching
a fish, and Gohan is sent off to take care of
the firewood (in fact, Gohan hits the firewood
so that it neatly lands, almost as an homage to
the very first episode of DragonBall where Goku
does the same thing!). Goku senses something is
wrong... Gohan and Kuririn do the same... and
Haiya Dragon begins to make noises...
is hit in the neck, and Gohan is grabbed by the
tail; it's the henchmen seen before! One of
begins to eat the prepared food, and they all
begin to mock the low strength of the fighters.
Goku comes running, introducing himself as "Son
Goku," much to the delight of the henchmen.
They continue to mock the fighting strength of
Goku, relying on their scouter. They introduce
themselves as Coola's team, and perform a pose-down
similar to the Ginyu Special Forces. They attack,
and are easily repelled by Goku, who lets loose
blasts on all of them.
turns around as the henchmen mutter "Coola-sama"...
and believes he sees Freeza! Gohan flies in from
above. "Coola" mutters that all Saiyans
will be killed, and uses an eyeblast to hit Gohan...
but Goku flies in the way, blocking the shot,
and falls to the ground. Coola jumps into the
air and fires a giant blast into the water, attempting
to weed-out Goku from hiding. Coola already notes
that Goku must be extremely strong, and could
have actually defeated Freeza. He orders his men
to find them immediately.
and Gohan climb out of the water, revealing that
Goku has a giant wound on his back. Coola's henchmen
fly above, again relying on their scouters to
find Goku and his friends. Haiya Dragon licks
Kuririn's face to wake him up. Gohan takes Goku
back to a cave, where he lies in great pain, unable
to get up. Outisde, Coola's henchmen blast the
land, trying to flush out Goku just as Coola had.
After destroying the entire land area, they decide
they must have killed him, to which Coola replies
that until they find a body, he will not believe
it. It is here that we also discover that Coola
is Freeza's brother!
Dragon can smell Gohan behind rocks blocking the
cave. Gohan tells Kuririn to be careful not to
use enough strength to cause them to be noted
by the scouters as he moves the rocks. Haiya Dragon
and Oolong help get animals out of their traps,
but a rock falls, causing Kuririn to blast it...
which sets off the scouters! Fortunately, the
henchmen see a giant bird, and believing that
to be the cause, they forget about it.
takes off with Haiya Dragon (since flying would
use up energy that would set off the scouters),
and heads towards Karin-sama's. Back
in the cave, Kuririn keeps watch. Gohan quickly
reaches Karin-sama's, and flies up about
halfway, climbing the rest (just as everyone had
to do in their youth). When he reaches the top,
he asks if he can get some Senzu... but Karin
knows that Gohan only climbed up from halfway!
Yajirobe pops in, throwing a bag of Senzu to Gohan,
telling the cat-hermit not to be so stingy! Karin
goes to pop one last one, but Yajirobe grabs it
and tosses it to Gohan, who puts it inside his
clothes, rather than the bag. He jumps off, calls
for Haiya Dragon, and begins the journey back
to his father. Karin-sama watches as
Gohan leaves, and notes that Goku has been blessed
with a great son.
the cave, Kuririn yells for Goku to respond, believing
him to have died, already. Goku, without opening
his eyes, says he's still OK. Gohan pops a Senzu
to Haiya Dragon, who "powers-up" and
flies off at top speed... setting off the scouters!
The henchmen arrive in no time and begin their
attack, knocking Gohan and Haiya Dragon out of
the air. Gohan clenches the bag of Senzu as they
try to take it from him, but refuses to let go.
As his head is crushed... a blast appears out
Piccolo has arrived! The henchmen quickly realize
he is a Namekian. Piccolo has no trouble fighting
back, using his cape as cover. Piccolo fights
all three on his own, and yells for Gohan to take
off with the Senzu. A blast of Piccolo's easily
takes out Dore, one of the henchmen. Naise blasts
Piccolo with some strange blast, which appears
to have paralyzed him. Piccolo smirks and breaks
out of it, killing Naise with no problem, and
takes off after Sauzer, the last henchman. As
they fly through the woods, Piccolo uses his ability
to extend his arms, but Sauzer creates a blade
on his own hand, somewhat evening the score. Piccolo
catches the blade and tosses him away. We hear
Coola's voice yell for Sauzer to take off... and
a blast appears from above, piercing Piccolo's
chest. Piccolo turns around after being hit, and
believes he sees Freeza as he falls to the ground,
hit again by more blasts...
arrives with the Senzu to the cave, and hands
them to Kuririn... but a blast from Sauzer destroys
the entire bag! Kuririn attacks outside the cave,
leaving Gohan weeping inside... until he realizes
he has one Senzu left.. the one Yajirobe threw
him! Kuririn holds his own against Sauzer for
a little bit, but is ultimately defeated and smashed
into the mountain, prompting Gohan to attack as
well. Sauzer easily defeats Gohan, and turns his
attention to the cave, slowly walking over. As
he walks, his scouter detects a reading rising
rapidly to incredible levels. The scouter explodes,
just as it had done on Namek... and Goku appears,
as good as new, from the cave! Outside, Kuririn
collapses... Gohan collapses... An angered Goku
walks forward, and demands that Sauzer return
to his planet! Coola appears behind, holding up
Piccolo, who is unconscious. Coola tosses Piccolo
down to Goku... but blasts him,
just before he lands. Goku watches in horror as
Piccolo falls to the ground, lifeless. Sauzer
attacks Goku, hitting him square in the cheek.
Goku barely moves, fixated on Coola, powering
up and knocking Sauzer into the mountain. Coola
calls for Goku to show him the so-called "Super
Saiyan" power. Goku attacks, hitting Coola
with a flurry of blows, knocking him back and
attacking again. Coola says that he will not be
as foolish as his brother, and begins to return
the assault.
two fight to a seeming stalemate. Coola says that
the real Hell will begin now, however... "One
more time." He is able to transform to one
further state than his brother could! Goku again
watches in horror as Coola clenches his fists
and begins to power-up and transform into a grotesque
monster, similar to Freeza's second alien-looking
form. Goku pulls back, saying to himself that
Coola's power is now even greater than Freeza's!
begins his attack, again, kneeing Goku into a
mountain, and knocking him down into the water,
which he follows with yet another knee to the
stomach. Goku rises out of the water behind Coola,
breathing heavily, and going into a red Kaiô-Ken
aura. He attacks Coola, but it is no use. Coola
catches him and asks where the true power is.
Surely this cannot be the one who defeated his
brother. Coola slams Goku into a mountain, and
then the ground yet again, creating a giant rift
in the water. Goku appears in the air with no
shirt and torn pants, gasping for breath. He again
lets loose a red Kaiô-Ken flame,
and fires a massive Kamehameha at Coola... who
flies THROUGH it and does a three-hit combo, resulting
in Goku being stuck inside the wall of a mountain.
Coola laughs, saying that Super Saiyans must only
exist in legends, for no one can stand against
him... the strongest in the universe! Goku lands
face-first on
the ground. A bird lands next to him, and he envisions
his friends and son being blasted and collapsing.
His eyes open wide to see the bird die right in
front of him. He collects the bird in his hands,
and apologizes to his friends. His hair begins
to stand on end... and he lets loose an inhuman
scream. We see Goku's hand move forward with a
golden glow... and the bird flies away, revived!
The screen pans up on Goku, revealing that he
has transformed into a Super Saiyan!
takes all of Coola's attacks, either catching
them or taking them with no damage. Goku screams
that he is not letting Coola off any more, and
knocks him back with incredibly powerful hits.
Coola stammers for a minute, but returns to his
cocky laughs, blasting Goku with a weak attack.
It was a trick! Coola appears in the sky, having
formed a giant Death Ball larger than any even
Freeza had ever made! He tosses it at Goku (and
thus the Earth). Goku attempts to catch it, but
is knocked down towards the ground as Coola laughs,
again proclaiming to be the strongest in the universe.
The Death Ball appears to have hit the ground
and sinks into it. It suddenly moves back up,
however, and we see Goku pushing it back, ultimately
tossing it right back at Coola with a giant
Kamehameha! Coola is unable to hold it back, and
is knocked into space with his own Death Ball.
He turns around to see that he is flying directly
towards the Sun, and cannot move. As he reaches
the sun, his transformation burns off... Coola
remembers the time, many years ago, when he mentioned
that Freeza was "too soft," and says
that he should have shot down Goku's pod then...
he, as well, was too soft!
the dust settles, Goku is lying on the ground
with a smile on his face. Kuririn props him up,
and he sees that Kuririn, Gohan, Oolong, and Haiya
Dragon are all there watching him. Gohan asks
where Piccolo
and sees some rocks moving in the distance. He
rushes towards them... but it's Sauzer! Clearly
beat up, but still alive, Sauzer prepares to attack...
but is killed by a fast-spinning Makankôsappô,
and falls to the ground. Everyone turns around
and smiles, knowing that Piccolo is alive and
well, and was still watching over them. Piccolo
drinks from a pond, hears Gohan's "Piccolo-saaaan!"
yelps, and lets loose a traditional "Hmph!"
credits, "Tobikkiri no Saikyô tai Saikyô")
written by Michael LaBrie ]