transformations are most notable in the major
changes to the character's hair. Spikey, golden hair is
hard to miss! Many of the Saiyan characters throughout
the series reach various levels of "Super" Saiyan,
which results in even longer hair, loss of eyebrows...
and eventually red fur on the body! These Saiyan levels
pretty much define DragonBall Z as a series,
but there are a few that even the most hardcore fans have
a little bit of confusion about. What about those "in-between"
stages? Who actually reaches SSJ2? We must know!
we use the word "Saiyan," the original Japanese
term is Saiya-jin (the suffix "jin"
meaning a "being" or "person"; for
example, a Nihon-jin is a person from Japan!).
When using abbreviations, we will be using the traditional
"SSJ" instead of, for example, "SS"
(despite our conventions of using the spelling "Saiyan"
on the site). "SS" sounds (to us, anyway) far
too much like the name of a ship and/or the Nazi secret
police.. and well... that's just not appropriate. Note
also that the "ai" diphthong in the word should
be pronounced as a long "i" as in "eye,"
and not a long "a" as in "day." Hope
that helps!
Normal ] [ Giant Ape (Ôzaru)
] [ Quasi-Super Saiyan
] [ Super Saiyan ]
[ Beyond / Ultra SSJ ] [ Full-Power
SSJ ] [ Legendary SSJ ] [ Super Saiyan 2 ]
[ Super Saiyan 3 ] [ Golden Giant Monkey
(Ôgon Ôzaru) ] [ Super Saiyan 4 ]
(Tsûjô) |
an entire 153 episodes (the original DragonBall
TV series), we don't even know that we're watching
a member of the Saiyan race! We first discover
that Goku is indeed a Saiyan with the arrival
of Raditz, Goku's older brother. Raditz explains
that Goku is one of four remaining Saiyans (Goku,
Raditz, Nappa, and Vegeta). The "Saiya"
are a fighting race that eventually took over
their home planet ("Planet Vegeta")
from the technologically advanced but physically
weak Tsufuru race. The Saiyans were later employed
by Freeza to take over planets, exterminating
any life forms on them. Hired mercenaries, you
could call them.
their "regular" state, a Saiyan is characterized
by black hair and a desire to fight, fight, fight!
They appear to be human, with possibly the only
telling factor being their tail. However, at a
certain point, a Saiyan's hair stops growing;
playing into this, at yet another undetermined
point, the tail will stop re-growing if removed.
seems, though, that Saiyans can cut their hair
and have it regrow; it simply will not exceed
a certain length. Half-breeds (or less, as seen
later on) do not seem to have this same feature
of the hair; their hair is not necessarily black,
either (as seen with Trunks).
Saiyan has the ability to transform (especially
Ôzaru), but this does not necessarily
mean that they all transform at all, never mind
to all stages!
(Ôzaru) |
that still have their tails have the ability to
transform into "giant monkeys," a form
called Ôzaru. However, a full moon
is needed to begin the process (or an equal substitute,
such as Vegeta's "Power Ball" technique,
which mixes with the planet's oxygen). Sunlight
that is reflected off of the moon contains "Bruits
Waves," and is measured in units called "Zeno."
a Saiyan absorbs at least 17,000,000 Zeno of moon-reflected
sunlight, a reaction occurs in their tails which
begins the transformation! The Ôzaru
form is said to increase the power of the Saiyan
by ten. However, the transformation can be easily
reversed by simply removing the tail (by cutting
or pulling it off), or destroying the source of
the "Zeno" (being the moon).
this stage, both Goku and Gohan are completely mindless
in their aggression and attacks; Kuririn theorizes
that perhaps they don't lose their minds, but possibly
regain some of their "Saiyan savagery."
Vegeta, however, always seems to be in complete
control of himself and his power while in the form
(we assume this is due to excessive training).
Goku |
Episode 12; Manga Chapter 021
With everyone trapped by Pilaf in an
escape-proof room, and scheduled to bake to
death in just a few hours by the heat of the
sun, Goku catches sight of the moon. Blasting
apart the metal prison, he showcases the first
ever Ôzaru transformation of
the series, long before it was known that he
was a Saiyan. (He apparently also did this several
times around the elder Gohan, eventually killing
him, but Goku does not realize this until much,
much later). |
Gohan |
Episode 8; Manga Chapter 208
Gohan, once again, shows that a Saiyan
child with a tail will transform into a giant
monkey! Piccolo is forced to blow up the moon
after realizing it was the source of Gohan's
power. |
Vegeta |
Episode 31, Manga Chapter 233
Vegeta introduces the "Power Ball"
that can mix with the planet's oxygen to crease
a "false moon," allowing him to transform
without actually needing the planet's (missing)
moon. |
(Giji Sûpâ Saiyajin) |
of the most interesting stages to appear is actually
one that stems from a single movie, placing it outside
of the normal, canon continuity. This "Quasi-Super
Saiyan" is actually never named in the movie; instead,
it comes from daizenshuu # 7. ("Giji"
means "false" or "pseudo-" or "quasi-".) This is
more-or-less an instance of Toei covering its own mistake by calling
it a "new form," but it is different
enough from any of the other Saiyan forms to warrant its own entry.
fighting Slug (and nearly beaten to a pulp), Goku
suddenly throws a hand forward and catches Slug's
punch. As Goku looks up, we see the Super Saiyan
power manifest itself as a golden aura surrounding
Goku. It is obviously more than just Goku using
Kaiô-Ken; besides the golden aura,
his (black) hair stands on end, his pupils disappear,
and (similar to his actual first SSJ transformation),
he does not seem to exercise
complete control, with the brute force and
anger pulling through.
Goku |
Movie 4
When Slug's power becomes too much
to overcome, the Super Saiyan power within Goku
manifests itself as a surrounding golden aura.
His hair stands on end (while still black),
and his pupils disappear. |
(Sûpâ Saiyajin; commonly "SSJ" or "SSJ1") |
is the first to go through the transformation
into a Super Saiyan. It is widely speculated
that the Sentô Ryoku ("combat
strength," or if you must, "power level")
of the character must be around 180,000, which
Goku reaches on Namek; this cannot be confirmed
or denied, however (it's merely speculation).
The transformation into a Super Saiyan is generally
caused by an overwhelming sense of rage and hatred.
Goku's case, when Freeza shoots Piccolo through
the chest (nearly killing him), murders Kuririn
by causing him to explode from the inside, and
declares he will be going after Gohan next...
well... yeah, that just about does it.
stage is characterized by giant spikey golden
hair. The pupils also turn a bluish green color.
The power of the character is exponentially increased.
Control over this power, however, is not always
the easiest thing at first. The Super Saiyan stage
has an interesting effect on the Son family, in
addition to its normal effects: the way their
eyes are drawn changes slightly. Normally, the
outline around the eye is not fully drawn (it
circles around about 3/4 of the way the eyeball).
When in Super Saiyan, their eyes are fully surrounded
by an outline (the same way that all villains
are drawn; this is due to Toriyama wanting to
show the anger and hatred that must be present
for a Super Saiyan transformation).
Super Saiyan transformations of the two children,
Goten and Trunks, come under great debate. Goten
and Trunks were able to transform around the same
time; Goten at 7 years of age, and Trunks at 8
years of age. Many people believe that Goku and
Vegeta passed on a different kind of DNA to these
children, since both of them had achieved SSJ
by the time of conception. Perhaps their tail
removal, at birth, also had some kind of play
in unleashing their dormant power ahead of other
characters (who did not have their tails removed
until much later). Regardless, their feats remain
amazing to all.
Goku |
Episode 95; Manga Chapter 317
Freeza's attempt to kill Piccolo,
murder of Kuririn, and threats of going after
Gohan next, were more than enough to set off
Goku's transformation into a Super Saiyan,
the first in the series. |
(Future) |
Episode 120; Manga Chapter 331
DBZ TV Special 2; Manga Chapter "Trunks
- The Story"
The first time we see Trunks
transform into a Super Saiyan is during his
challenging of Freeza. By this point, however,
Trunks has perfected his transformation. The
original cause, however, was Gohan's death
(by the Jinzôningen) in his
future timeline. Note that in the special
manga chapter, Trunks is already able to transform
into SSJ when Gohan is killed. |
Vegeta |
Episode 129, Manga Chapter 343
Another character whose first transformation
is not actually his first! Vegeta returns
to the battlefield to defeat Jinzôningen
#19 for Goku, whose heart disease is affecting
him. Vegeta transforms into a Super Saiyan,
astounding everyone. However, his first transformation
was actually while out training in Goku's
absence. The fact that Goku had surpassed
him, and the anger at himself for not being
able to accomplish the same, nearly ate him
alive, bringing his transformation into a
Super Saiyan. |
Gohan |
Episode 160, Manga Chapter 382
Discovering that a half-Saiyan can
reach SSJ (as seen with Trunks), Goku pushes
his son to his limits while training in the
Room of Spirit and Time. While trying to repel
one of his father's attacks, Gohan becomes
so frustrated by his weakness and inability
to protect his friends that he finally transforms
into a Super Saiyan. |
Goten |
Episode 206, Manga Chapter 427
The original reason for Goten's transformation
is unknown, but when he shows his mother that
he is able to transform into a Super Saiyan,
she is not very happy... ! |
(Chibi) |
Episode 207, Manga Chapter 429
The original reason for Chibi Trunks's
transformation is unknown, but when Vegeta
finds out, he wonders if there's a "Super
Saiyan Bargain Sale" going on! |
(Goten + Trunks) |
Episode 253, Manga Chapter 482
Goten and Trunks were individually
already able to reach Super Saiyan, and the
fusion of the two proved no different. |
(Goku + Vegeta) |
Episode 269, Manga Chapter 504
Goku and Vegeta were both well above
Super Saiyan in strength, and the fusion of
the two proved no different. Although the
two fused while in their normal states, Vegetto
turns into Super Saiyan with no problem. The
second daizenshuu notes that Vegetto,
as a Super Saiyan, has a power greater than
that of a Super Saiyan 3. |
(Goku + Vegeta) |
Movie 12
When Goku and Vegeta finally perform
the Fusion Dance correctly to form Gogeta,
he appears immediately in SSJ. |
Broli |
Movies 8, 10, 11
While he spends most of his fighting
time in DBZ movie 8 in his "Legendary"
form (see below), Broli starts out in regular
Super Saiyan form (with the strange blue/green
hair), and later fighting against the kids
and Gohan in DBZ movie 10 before he uses the
"Legendary" form again. |
Bardock |
Episode of Bardock
More than twenty years later after his original debut, Naho Ooishi's spin-off manga, "Episode of Bardock", sees the character transform into a Super Saiyan during his battle in the past against Chilled. |
Cell |
Since Cell is comprised from the
cells of warriors including Goku and Vegeta,
he is indeed partially Saiyan, at least in
terms of "blood." Many times we
see Cell "power-up" with the golden
aura attributed with going Super Saiyan. Does
he actually attain this level? It makes sense,
but ultimately, it's left up to the reader/viewer
to decide...! For more information, check
out Cell's own transformations page. |
Goku Jr.
Vegeta Jr. |
TV Special; DBGT Episode 64
Daizenshuu # 7 states that
Pan cannot go SSJ due to the Saiyan blood
in her being too diluted. However, we blatantly
see both Goku Jr. and Vegeta Jr. able to go
SSJ (almost with no problem) in the end of
DBGT. The daizenshuu was written
long before GT was nearing this part of the
series; they had no way of knowing just what
direction the show would take. GT's showing
Goku Jr. and Vegeta Jr. going SSJ kills off
the "diluted" blood theory, but
still does not answer if Pan ever could /
ever did go SSJ (especially in that "100
years" time between events in the last
DBGT episode). |
("ichi-dankai no henshin;"
transformations of the first stage) |
first note to make would be that "USSJ"
is nothing more than a fan term. However,
it's extremely convenient to type out, so for
this reason we will use it as an abbreviation.
The actual Japanese wording is explained shortly
For a bit of extra history, the phrase "USSJ" was coined by a man named Curtis Hoffman in 1993. Back before FUNimation even owned the license to distribute the series in North America, Hoffman (just a fan of the series looking to share his love) wrote out extensive summaries of the DB tankôbon and even DBGT episodes as they aired in Japan. In the introduction to these summaries, Hoffman would list new characters and forms that make their first appearance. In order to differentiate forms that may not have an official name yet (not being named by characters, and there not yet being any official information guides), Hoffman decided to name the power-ups within the standard SSJ stage as "Ultra Saiya-jin". As Hoffman shared his summaries on his own website (Three Steps Over The Edge) and then later as a part of the website toriyama.org, these types of phrases became slightly adapted and treated as standard verbiage among English-speaking fans. This naming convention has obviously held true to this very day.
are actually two stages within the "USSJ"
stage, really just varying levels of the same
exact thing. In the first stage, the muscles increase
in size, while power rises. In the second stage,
the muscles increase in size even more, the power
rises even more, speed falls, and with some characters,
the pupils disappear. In each of the those stages,
more energy is consumed, as well. Three characters
reach these stages; you'll find special information,
by character, a little further down.
USSJ stages (two of them) would each be considered,
as Goku puts it in the original Japanese dialogue,
"ichi-dankai no henshin" ("transformations
of the first stage"). However, these two
USSJ stages are thought of by Vegeta and Trunks
as "Sûpâ Saiya-jin dai ni-dankai"
and "Sûpâ Saiya-jin dai san-dankai"
("stage 2 / stage 3 of Super Saiyan,"
with "ni" and "san"
meaning "two" and "three,"
respectively) Technically, these descriptions
would probably better fit the actual SSJ2 and
SSJ3, but we'll use them here as Vegeta &
Trunks would.
Sûpâ Saiya-jin dai ichi-dankai
(the normal Super Saiyan, or SSJ1)
Sûpâ Saiya-jin dai ni-dankai
(USSJ 1; the second stage of SSJ1)
Sûpâ Saiya-jin dai san-dankai
(USSJ 2; the third stage of SSJ1)
can be very difficult to tell the difference between
"USSJ1" and USSJ2" (and quite frankly,
even we can't tell all the time). Here's a close-up
comparison of Goku's head and hair in both stages:

USSJ1 is on the left, while USSJ2 is on the right.
Note the slight increase in body mass (look around
the top of the shoulders, and how they fill more
of the screen). Also note the hair slightly growing
in length, and standing much more up on end. The
hair is straighter on end in USSJ2 than in USSJ1;
you can see the back hairs more clearly in USSJ2
than in USSJ1, even from a straight-on, frontal
in some phrases that are only used a couple times
in the series, together with some numbers... and
you've got some confusion going on! Let's take
it character by character, and see exactly how
it all goes down.
is the first character to show off a stage that
exceeds the power of the normal Super Saiyan.
Vegeta's original intent in training in the Room
of Spirit and Time was not only to surpass Goku's
power, but to also surpass the limitations of
Super Saiyan... and in a way, he did so. In this
stage, Vegeta's body mass increases greatly (creating
an almost awkward looking character; so short,
yet so buff!). Vegeta only showcases the first
level of USSJ, which Trunks notes that Vegeta
achieved in the first two months of training.
training with Trunks in the Room of Spirit and
Time, he seems to be completely unaware that Trunks
is able to surpass him (as seen by Trunks hiding
this stage until Vegeta is unconscious). How he
was able to MISS it during the training will remain
a mystery forever! Interestingly, it would seem
that Vegeta may have been able to reach
USSJ2, himself. Mysteriously, after conceding
to Cell, Trunks notes, "So that's why
dad chose not to transform this way... He knew
this would happen...." So did Vegeta
actually reach USSJ2? He certainly never showed
it to us, if he did!
obvious that Trunks is able to reach USSJ1, he
takes it one step further to USSJ2 (note: this
is not SSJ2, which is explained
below. Trunks never reaches SSJ2). His body mass
increases along with his raw power, but his speed
unfortunately decreases, as well. The energy consumption
is also increased. Trunks also introduces the
idea of losing the pupils during the transformation,
which would surface once again with Broli in DBZ
movie eight with the "Legendary" stage
(see below). Trunks' raw
power is actually greater than Vegeta's, in this
form. Trunks holds off showcasing his new power
until Vegeta is knocked unconscious, fearful of
not only surpassing his father, but seeing the
reaction from his father. Due
to his lack of speed, while Trunks may have had
the power to do battle with Perfect
Cell, he simply was not able to keep up, and thus
would assume that if both Vegeta and Trunks could
achieve this stage simply by training in the Room
of Spirit and Time, Goku would be able to, as
well... and he did. Goku is apparently able to
reach both USSJ1 and USSJ2. However, Goku very
quickly realizes the limitations of the stage
(most notably the drop in speed and increased
energy consumption). Other than simply showing
it off to Gohan while training, Goku never actually
uses this stage in fighting. Rather, he and Gohan
develop the unique idea to realize Super Saiyan
as their "natural" form, going about
their daily activities (even sleeping!) as Super
Saiyans. This was all in an attempt to become
as comfortable with the form as possible, which
would (in turn) allow them to conserve their energy
while fighting, rather than having to worry about
which stage they are in. See "Full
Power Super Saiyan," below.
Vegeta |
DBZ Episode 155; Manga Chapter 377
In an incredible desire to surpass
not only Goku, but the limitations of Super
Saiyan, Vegeta's own training led him to surpass
Super Saiyan while training with Trunks in
the Room of Spirit and Time. Trunks hints
that Vegeta may have been able to reach USSJ2,
though we are never shown. |
(Future) |
and USSJ2
DBZ Episode 162; Manga Chapter 386
Training with his father in the Room
of Spirit and Time, Trunks is also able to
surpass Super Saiyan at an even stronger level
than his father. Rather than embarrass his
father, though, Trunks holds his "hidden
powers" a secret until absolutely necessary; he holds onto USSJ until Vegeta passes out, and finally goes through the full "snap" into USSJ2. |
Goku |
and USSJ2
DBZ Episode 165, Manga Chapter 387
Training with Gohan in the Room of
Spirit and Time after Vegeta and Trunks emerge,
Goku comes across the stage, but quickly realizes
that its disadvantages far outweigh the advantages,
and instead turns his efforts towards training
his son to reach a stage quite possibly even
stronger than this... |
Cell |
Cell twice showcases a form very
similar to this. Very shortly after Trunks
transforms into USSJ2 after Vegeta is defeated,
Cell mocks him and his reliance on "brute
force," and bulks up, himself. Later
on, after SSJ2 Gohan pushes back Cell's giant
Kamehameha with ease, Cell makes the exact
same mistake that Vegeta and Trunks earlier
made; he gets incredibly bulky in muscle size,
which increases his strength... but drastically
reduces his speed. Does Cell actually go USSJ?
It makes sense, but ultimately, it's left
up to the reader/viewer to decide...! For
more information, check
out Cell's own transformations page. |
Saiyajin Furu Pawâ) |
this is not even an actual transformation; it's
simply an advancement of an earlier form. However,
as the user takes his previous form and does something
"new" with it, we'll catalogue it for
completeness' sake.
the Room of Spirit and Time, Goku comes to the conclusion
that the extra two stages of regular Super Saiyan
(see "Ultra SSJ,"
above) indeed give strength... but kill speed and
consume too much energy. Instead of relying on them,
Goku decides they must, "... work on getting
rid of that instability... that restless feeling."
Regular ol' Super Saiyan must become their "norm."
next time we see Goku and Gohan is when they emerge
from the Room of Spirit and Time... as Super Saiyans.
Vegeta notes, "They look like Super Saiyans...
but I don't feel the energy...! It's like... it's
their natural state...".
chapter, the characters converse among themselves
regarding this "new" Goku and Gohan. Tenshinhan
is astonished, since it is supposed to take a great
deal of effort just to stay in SSJ, yet
they are so relaxed. Ultimately, Vegeta retorts
that they have indeed made SSJ their "best
combat state"; when used to it, they'll
"... minimize the strain on their bodies
during battle!"
this is really all that is so much as hinted at
over the remaining course of the manga and anime.
We do see Goku and Gohan as SSJ seemingly
much more "relaxed" or "natural,"
so the training must have indeed paid off.
anime provides some extra exposition, with Goku
and Gohan during those finals few days before the
Cell Game parading around, relaxing, all while Super
The term "Super Saiyan Full Power"
is coined in the second daizenshuu (it
appears nowhere in the manga). It also notes that
Goku's aura, while his Super Saiyan power is drawn
out to its limits, is "different." There
is no indication that either Goku
and/or Gohan have reached their "maximum power"
while in this stage; in fact, that's quite an outlandish
claim to make. There is always room for improvement.
Goku and Gohan do indeed grow stronger with time,
pushing the Super Saiyan stage to its limits time
and time again.
Gohan |
DBZ Episode 168; Manga Chapter 390
While characters such as Vegeta and
Trunks acknowledge the effort and idea behind
the so-called "Full-Power Super Saiyan"
put forth by Goku and Gohan, the original father/son
duo are the only ones that seem to do anything
with the concept. |
(Densetsu no Sûpâ Saiyajin) |
movie eight takes a few liberties with the canon
transformations sequence and adds its own, new stage:
densetsu no sûpâ saiya-jin,
or "Legendary Super Saiyan." Only Broli
is able to use this form (it being the basis for
the entire movie, and all).
form seems most similar to USSJ2, with disappearing
pupils and ridiculously large muscle bulk. The benefits
of this stage are much different from the USSJ stages,
however... that being there aren't
any drawbacks! Broli's speed and strength seem to
only increase as he powers up through the "Legendary"
appetite for destruction also seems to increase
with this stage; he greatly enjoys all of the pain
he causes.
This special form (attributed only
to Broli) is literally named "densetsu
no sûpâ saiyajin," as labeled in the
sixth daizenshuu ("MOVIES & TV
SPECIALS"). For more information on Broli's
various stages, please read the "Movie
Characters" page.
Broli |
Super Saiyan"
DBZ Movie 8
The "Legendary Super Saiyan"
had an almost natural talent at slaughter, and
quickly came into this form upon meeting "Kakarrot"
again after so many years, yearning for revenge.
In his USSJ-type "Legendary" form,
Broli seems to not lose any speed, while still
increasing in power. |
(Sûpâ Saiyajin Tsû) |
training with Gohan in the Room of Spirit and
Time, Goku becomes almost obsessed with having
his son take over the reins as Earth's protector.
Realizing the incredible, but dormant, power lying
within his son, Goku pushes Gohan to his absolute
limits (and in the anime even sees a quick glimpse
of this power, which quickly disappears just as
fast as it came).
the destruction wrought by Cell leads to Gohan's
actual transformation into Super Saiyan 2. After
destroying Jinzôningen #16, Cell
unleashes seven "Cell Jrs." on the fighters.
As Gohan watches in horror, too weak to do anything,
as his friends are attacked, Mr. Satan tosses
#16's decapitated head over to Gohan. #16 tells
Gohan that he understands how he is feeling, but
he needs to let it all out. It is time to protect
the nature that he loved so much, and to protect
his family and friends that he loved even more.
When Cell crushes #16's head, Gohan's vision becomes
completely clear. Belting out a scream from the
depths of Hell, Gohan literally explodes into
Super Saiyan 2 with tears in his eyes, determined
to kill Cell.
Saiyan 2's most defining characteristic is the
lightning that constantly surrounds and crackles
around the character. The hair also stands much
more on end (growing a little bit, as well). For
Gohan and Goku, a single strand of hair falls
over the eyes (since Vegeta's hair all stands
up straight, anyway, this doesn't happen).
Gohan |
Episode 184; Manga Chapter 409
Helpless to protect his friends,
Gohan listens to #16 tell him to unleash that
hidden power and protect the nature and friends
that he loves so much. When Cell crushes #16's
head, that's it... Gohan's ready. |
Vegeta |
Episode 229; Manga Chapter 456
Vegeta allows Babidi to halfway take
over his mind. Normally, Babidi would completely
control the character; however, Vegeta retains
control over his free will, yet also obtains
the massive "power-up" from the
"Majin" form. Vegeta's excuse is
that he wants to return to his past, pure
evil ways... in order to defeat "Kakarrot"
once and for all. There are hints that Vegeta
may have been able to transform into
SSJ2 before the "Majin" charm, but
there is absolutely nothing explicity said
in either the anime or the manga. |
Goku |
Episode 229, Manga Chapter 458
Apparently having reached the stage
while training in the afterlife, Goku is forced
to also transform into Super Saiyan 2 when
Majin Vegeta reaches the stage (without any
hassle) during their climactic fight during
the Buu arc. |
Gotenks |
We see Gotenks reach both SSJ1 and
SSJ3; we have to assume that if he's able
to reach SSJ3, there was an SSJ2 in there,
somewhere! Daizenshuu # 7 states
that Gotenks is indeed able to go SSJ2. So,
while we never actually see Gotenks
in SSJ2, it's safe to assume he can reach
it. |
Vegetto |
By this point in the series, both
Goku and Vegeta were able to reach SSJ2 (although,
previously, Vegeta only went SSJ2 while under
the "Majin" power-up). After Vegetto
goes SSJ, he tends to have electricity surrounding
him, a tip-off to SSJ2. Unfortunately, Vegetto
never actually notes which stage he is in
(beyond referring to himself as "Super
Vegetto"); having two different stages
of golden hair would help, but we just can't
be sure. The second daizenshuu confirms
that Vegetto is only in SSJ1, though he has
a power greater than that of an SSJ3. Perhaps
due to the magic of the fusion, his SSJ1 stage
and its raw power takes on extra (later-stage)
characteristics? It's quite possible he would
be able to go SSJ2, though. |
Gogeta |
By this point in the series (when
the movie would take place), both
Goku and Vegeta were able to reach SSJ2 (although,
previously, Vegeta only went SSJ2 while under
the "Majin" power-up). Gogeta appears
immediately in Super Saiyan, with no extra
electricity surrounding him. It's quite possible
he would be able to go SSJ2, though. |
(Sûpâ Saiyajin Surî) |
Saiyan 3 is, by far, the strangest transformation
of the canon Toriyama storyline. Original
concept designs show SSJ3 as having a tail,
but the final design came to be as seen on the
another stage that Goku apparently reaches in
the afterlife while training, SSJ3 is an incredible
strain on the dead and living body, alike (which
is why when Goku uses the form, it reduces the
24-hour period he would normally be allowed to
spend on Earth). Realizing the incredible power
of the resurrected Majin Buu, and needing to stall
for time, Goku shows Majin Buu SSJ1 and SSJ2...
but notes there's more to show. Concentrating
all of his energy, Goku lets loose a great scream.
His hair begins to grown down his back and his
eyebrows disappear. Lightning, similar to SSJ2,
begins to surround his body. Just as SSJ1 and
SSJ2, SSJ3 increases the raw power and speed of
the character in exponential numbers. As noted,
though, it is an incredible strain on the user
(reducing Goku's time on Earth and reducing the
fusion length of Gotenks).
Goku has black pupils with blue-green irises,
while Gotenks only has the standard blue-green
pupils; in fact, SSJ3 Goku is the only SSJ form
(non-GT, fused or not) that has irises and
pupils! In the manga, Toriyama makes heavy use
of light screentone in areas that would otherwise
be completely dark or shadowed; it's almost as
if Goku is glowing all over!
reasons for achieving SSJ3 are not actually noted,
but seem to be attained by either incredible training
for extended periods of time (Goku), or a combination
of training and natural "magical" strength
Goku |
Episode 245; Manga Chapter 474
Apparently Goku's training in the
afterlife for seven years brought him past
SSJ1 & SSJ2 to a strange new level...
SSJ3! |
Gotenks |
Episode 260; Manga Chapter 493
After sensing the incredible power
of Goku while fighting as SSJ3, Goten and
Trunks vow to reach that same level of awesome
power. While training in the Room of Spirit
and Time waiting for Majin Buu, the two achieve
the level... but want to show it off at the
last second for a grand finale! |
(Ôgon Ôzaru) |
comes into play with even more transformations!
When Goku fights Bebi on New Planet Tsufuru, Goku
has reversed into a child and Kaiôshin has
even pulled out his tail, once again! We have Goku,
a child in body, but the same adult in strength.
When Goku sees a "Full Earth" (instead
of a "Full Moon") from New Planet Tsufuru,
the waves set off a strange new reaction in Goku,
resulting in a Golden Ôzaru form!
Similar to regular Ôzaru, the transformation
increases the strength of the character, but also
clouds their ability to think properly. Eventually,
upon controlling this power, Goku is able to transform
into Super Saiyan 4 (see below).
Ôzaru looks identical to regular
Ôzaru except for the golden fur,
rather than brown / black.
Goku |
Episode 33
Goku is the first to reach this stage,
but he, unfortunately, is just as uncontrollable
and destructive as he was in his regular, brown-furred
Ôzaru state as a child in the
original DragonBall series! Smashing and rampaging,
it is only after continued attempts by Pan to
reach his soft-hearted consciousness that he
is able to focus his power, and become a SSJ4.
(see below) |
Vegeta |
Episode 35
Unable to match strength with Goku's
new SSJ4 form, Bebi Vegeta believes his death
is near, until Bulma (currently evil) intervenes
with her Bruits Waves machine! Shooting out
a crazy amount of Bruits Waves at him, Bebi
Vegeta is able to transform into a Golden Ôzaru,
even without his Saiyan tail! At first, Golden
Ôzaru Bebi rampages the planet
in an identical fashion to Golden Ôzaru
Goku, but it is quickly revealed that he was
only pretending to be mindless, allowing
him to surprise Goku with a few attacks! He
chalks this up to Vegeta being the one who transformed
into an Ôzaru, while Bebi is
only the possessor! (not that it would matter,
in this case, since Vegeta keeps his wits in
that form anyway). |
Episode 59
After using Bulma's Bruits Waves machine
a second time (on the non-possessed Vegeta,
this time), Vegeta transforms into a brown-furred
Ôzaru, rampages for a brief time,
and then grabs Goku! No one understands what
is going on, until Vegeta informs them that
he would never lose control in this form (it
was a joke, basically!... and a possible reference
to when Ôzaru Vegeta grabbed
Goku on Earth, in the original Goku vs. Vegeta
battle in DBZ; seemingly "for old time's
sake," if you will). He then releases Goku,
and begins glowing with a yellow fire around
him. He becomes a Golden Ôzaru,
and then immediately transforms into SSJ4. (see
below) |
(Sûpâ Saiyajin Fô) |
brings in the next level of Super Saiyan transformations
with Super Saiyan 4!
result of controlling the power within the Golden
Ôzaru form, the power and speed Super
Saiyan 4 brings forth is incredible, even to our
Z-Senshi. Instead of turning gold, the
hair returns to a black color, but still grows a
bit (a length in between SSJ2 and SSJ3; not quite
all the way down the back). Red fur covers the body,
and the tail from the Ôzaru form
is retained. Interestingly, pants are magically
grown, and in the case of Goku, the character is
returned to full adult form if otherwise (such as
being wished back into a child ^_~). It seems to
be very similar to the dance-type fusion, in this
is able to reach Super Saiyan 4 on New Planet Tsufuru
by finally controlling himself and his power while
in Golden Ôzaru. Vegeta, on the other
hand, somewhat cheats to reach this level. Bulma
creates a machine that shoots Bruits Waves, and
uses it on Vegeta. Vegeta turns into Golden Ôzaru
and appears to lose control until he grabs "Kakarrot"...
controls his power, and turns into Super Saiyan
this sense, it can be assumed that Super Saiyan
4 is the evolved form of Ôzaru (which
many have speculated means it is the true
"Legendary Super Saiyan," a level that
takes the original, classic Saiyan transformation
and evolves it into incredible powers).
may also see this stage written out as "Super
(Character) 4." This can even be seen in games
such as Final Bout on the PlayStation.
Rest assured, however, that the original Japanese
dialogue does indeed refer to the stage, flat out,
as "Sûpâ Saiya-jin 4."
You may also see "Super (Character) 3,"
referring to Super Saiyan 3. Note that earlier on
in DBZ, "Super (Character)" and "Super
(Character) 2" were meant to refer to the USSJ
stage, and not Super Saiyan 2; it all gets extremely
Goku |
Episode 34
Finally able to control himself and
his power in Golden Ôzaru, Goku
reaches a completely new stage... Super Saiyan
4! He is returned to adult-size, and keeps his
tail, growing red fur. |
Episode 59
Flooded with Bruits Waves by Bulma's
new machine, Golden Ôzaru is
only the first step for Vegeta... upon grabbing
"Kakarrot," Vegeta controls his power
and reaches the full Super Saiyan 4, ready to
fight at full power alongside Goku. |
(Goku + Vegeta) |
Episode 60
The fusion of Super Saiyan 4 Goku and
Super Saiyan 4 Vegeta appears directly in Super
Saiyan 4 from the start. |
return to "Transformations"