DragonBall Z movies all seem to revolve around
villains that, in one way or another, transform into different
stages and/or forms of themselves. It's classic DBZ formula;
our heroes seem to have the upper-hand, right up until
the point where the villain reveals that he has enormous
power reserved for these situations, obtained through
some type of transformation! Yadda yadda yadda, they transform,
our heroes do the same thing, we all walk home happy!
fact, the only movie that doesn't seem to have any type
of real transformation is DBZ movie two;
Dr. Uiro breaks out from behind the wall already
in his giant mecha-type unit, while Dr. Kochin was just
a cyborg the entire time (and thus able to attach machine
guns to his arms). Every single other DBZ movie features
at least one transforming villain, and this is our guide
to these (sometimes absurd) transformations!
MOVIE 1: Garlic Jr. & Henchmen (Ginger, Nicky,
Sansho) |
Jr. appears at first to just be a dwarf with no
real power. Sure, he's got his lackeys, but what
does he actually do?! In his
fight against Kami-sama, Garlic Jr. does
indeed prove to have a decent amount of power,
dodging attacks and launching ki blasts
left and right.
after being granted his wish of immortality, it
doesn't seem like Garlic Jr. has a thing on Earth
to fear. Prancing around like he is Earth's ruler,
Garlic has his lackeys fight off the intruders,
but it won't be long until he has to fight, himself...
is only when faced with a combination of Goku
and Piccolo that Garlic Jr. shows his true form.
In almost an instant, Garlic Jr. transforms from
his miniature self into a giant
version of himself, with power and speed even
greater than that of Goku and Piccolo combined.
It seems like Garlic Jr. will soon be taking over
the Earth with no problem; that is, rather, until
Gohan blasts up from the rubble and starts getting
a little upset! Gohan is the only one able to
stand up to Garlic Jr.'s blasts and power, and
is able to finally head butt Garlic Jr. into the
"Dead Zone" he has created.
Jr.'s henchmen (Ginger, Nicky, and Sansho) have
somewhat similar transformations. To initiate
these transformations into their "Kyodai-ka"
(or "Giant Form"), they must take a
step back and yell a certain unusual... err...
battle cry?! Their transformations bulk them up
which result in both more power and speed.

MOVIE 1: Garlic Jr. & Henchmen (Ginger,
Nicky, Sansho)
Garlic Jr. does not appear to be
much in his first form, although he does
put up a decent fight against Kami-sama.
It is only when faced with Goku and Piccolo
that he transforms himself into a large
beast who is faster and more powerful than
even the two heroes, combined. Luckily,
Gohan is around to save the day...
Jr.'s henchmen yell out their strange words
to initiate their transformations, which
pump them up to new power and speed. |
MOVIE 3: Tullece |
appears on the scene looking exactly like Goku in
nearly every way; facial features, hair, and even
muscle tone. At this point in the series, Goku has
not yet gone Super Saiyan, and is only able to use
Kaiô-Ken to temporarily increase
his strength and speed; Tullece does not show any
hint of these types of abilities, and in fact, avoids
fighting for the most part until later in the movie!
It is only when he is faced with Goku that we truly
see what Tullece's plan was all along... to eat
the holy fruit.
eating the fruit, Tullece's muscles bugle and expand
an incredible deal almost immediately.
Interestingly, though, they do not stay at this
point; they seem to contract right back down to
normal, even though it is quite obvious that Tullece's
strength and speed have increased exponentially.
This quasi-transformation puts Tullece's strength
far above Goku's own, and it is only with the Genki-Dama
that Goku is able to defeat him.
MOVIE 3: Tullece
Tullece's "transformation"
is not quite a huge change; all that really
happens is a very quick surge in power and energy
that plows down his body, bulging out his chest,
arms, and legs. After eating the fruit, he looks
exactly the same, but has increased speed and
power. |
MOVIE 4: Slug |
running out of ideas for characters? Let's just
repeat the Piccolo-Daimaô arc all
over again in a short DBZ movie! That's pretty much
what DBZ movie 4 amounts to, and Slug takes full
advantage of his Namekian abilities... abilities
that we've already seen far too often in the show,
he first shows up, he is quite aged; what better
to do than use Earth's Dragon Balls to again wish
for youth?! Just as Piccolo-Daimaô
had done, Slug returns to his (more powerful) youthful
form by using the Dragon Balls.
like you've heard it before? Oh, just wait!
the fun doesn't stop there, oh no! Just as we had
seen Ma Junior do at the 23rd Tenka-ichi Budôkai,
Slug uses the good ol' "grow a gazillion times
larger" ability. In essence, Slug is as derivative
of a character as it gets in DBZ (and oh, how it
gets!), and his transformations follow suit in this
very fashion.
you're looking for fun new transformations... keep
on looking ^_~.
MOVIE 4: Slug
Slug's transformation also aren't quite
major changes. The first is his granted wish,
which brings him eternal youth; Slug changes
from an elderly (yet still powerful) Namekian
into a young, incredibly powerful Namekian!
Also, Slug has the ability to increase his general
body size, and towers over Goku as he pummels
him to near-defeat. |
MOVIES 5 & 6: Coola & Metal Coola |
we first see Coola, the scene taking place is
actually a flashback to the Bardock vs Freeza
fight from many years ago. Coola is up on his
own spaceship watching the events. When he turns
around and we finally see his face and body, he
appears to be in a form vastly different from
that of Freeza's first form; in fact, he seems
to be in a form equivalent to Freeza's fourth
(and final) form. Interestingly, we eventually
learn from Coola that he can actually transform
one stage more than Freeza can! He makes this
transformation from the one and only stage we
see him in; we can only be left to assume that
this was indeed his fourth form all along (since
going one more would make it five, with Freeza's
last being four... it's all interesting math).
why was Coola sitting in the comfort and safety
of his own spaceship in his fourth form? Perhaps
he had just recently come from an incredible fight!...
or perhaps it was just so we would know who the
heck the character was when he showed up on Earth
transformation into a fifth stage is quite impressive
(note: the sixth daizenshuu simply refers
to this stage as "Coola's Final Stage").
Somewhat hinting back to the third form of the
brothers' transformation sequence, four horns
are grown out from the side and top of the head.
He also sports a really nifty (almost mechanical
sounding/looking?) "mask"-type thing
that covers his mouth and jaw; the one line he
speaks before letting the "mask" cover
his jaw is quite creepy sounding and looking!
As with all transformation we saw with Freeza,
this allows Coola's strength and speed to jump
through the roof. Unfortunately for him, Super
Saiyan Goku is able to triumph in the end, knocking
him into the sun with a massive Kamehameha. Interestingly,
as Coola is being burned up by the sun, the heat
seems to dissolve away parts of this transformation,
seemingly pushing him back into fourth form...
movie 6 rolls around, and we get some more transformed
Coola! Strangely, this "transformation"
should really be considered more of an outside
"upgrade" than anything else; Coola
had very little to do with it. However, we don't
realize this when "he" first walks up
to Goku in the feature. Coola appears to be completely
metallic, now, and almost indestructible. Goku
isn't able to do any damage, even using Kaiô-Ken;
his punches don't even so much as phase Coola.
It takes some Super Saiyan action to get some
damage done, and even then, we are shocked to
find Coola is not only able to repair himself
on the spot, but apparently make adjustments in
order to better retaliate.
is revealed, however, that this Metal Coola (and
the hundreds of others that appear on the mountain
ledge!) are actually just remote-controlled creations
of the actual Coola, who is nothing more
than a head hooked up via wires to the Big Gete
Star within the spaceship. After being defeated
by Goku, Coola drifted into a "Machine Planet,"
and combined himself with the main computer. With
this computer, he is able to create endless amount
of "Metal Coolas," each of which can
automatically repair themselves and up their battle
strength. It takes some massive overloading of
the computer from Goku and Vegeta's Super Saiyan
power "leaks" (which were actually completely
intentional) to "crash the computer,"
so to speak, and bring Coola and the Big Gete
Star to a halt. The final remains, the main computer
chip, is crushed by Vegeta (with his classic "Hmph!"
no less!) as he blasts off into space...
MOVIES 5 & 6: Coola & Metal Coola
Coola can take the transformation
sequence one step further than Freeza can,
to a fifth stage. The horns grow back out
of the head, and a strange mask comes down
to cover the mouth and jaw. After defeat,
Coola melds with the Big Gete Star's main
computer and is able to create endless "Metal"
versions of himself. |
MOVIE 7: Jinzôningen Jûsan-gô |
Gero may have been killed by # 17, but as shown
with Cell, Dr. Gero's death is hardly enough to
keep down the old scientist's rage. Deep down
below Dr. Gero's laboratory is an extra room and
computer ticking away. Initially, two jinzôningen
are let out (# 14 and # 15). After they have already
left in their pursuit of Goku, yet another jinzôningen
hops out from his capsule, this one labeled #
than # 17 and # 18 (neither of which are in this
movie, other than the opening sequence), # 13
is definitely the most human-looking over all
the jinzôningen. He is tall and
does not have much in the way of body mass, but
seems to keep up with Goku's speed and strength
quite easily (before he turns SSJ, anyway). In
fact, it does not seem like # 13 is frightened
of anything, and shows little emotion; when confronted
with other characters, he simply notes to them
that his only desire is to kill Goku, and is not
interested in any of them.
is only when Vegeta, Trunks, and Goku all turn
into Super Saiyans (and # 14 & # 15 are defeated)
that # 13 starts to take matters into his own
hands. The main computer chip and internal power
supplies from both # 14 and # 15 (equaling four
parts, total) float over to # 13. He absorbs the
two computer chips into his head, and the power
supplies into his chest. Upon receiving these
four items, he begins to undergo an extremely
intense transformation, breaking out of his clothes,
growing in size, and turning blue!
This Gattai Jûsan-gô ("Integrated
13," the term used in the sixth daizenshuu)
is an extremely buff creature with speed
and strength (but who doesn't seem to want to
speak, much!) surpassing any of the fighters,
including Goku. It is only when Goku's friends
distract him long enough to form a Genki-Dama
that he is finally defeated.
MOVIE 7: Jinzôningen Jûsan-gô
When # 13 absorbs the main computer
chips and power supplies from # 14 and # 15,
he grows into a giant blue creature with orange
hair. He no longer speaks (other than "Son
Goku!" as he's being killed), and seems
to be nearly indestructible. |
MOVIES 8, 10, 11: Broli |
no sûpâ saiya-jin... The Legendary Super
we first are introduced to Broli, he appears to
be nothing more than a calm (perhaps scared?) young
man, a survivor of the Saiyan race with his father,
Paragus. They have come to Earth in (supposed) hopes
to recruiting "King" Vegeta to once again
lead them as a people, this time in hopes of defeating
the so-called "Legendary Super Saiyan."
start to change when Broli is confronted with Goku
("Kakarrot," of course!), and he begins
to lose his temper.
of a convenient flashback we are shown that, as
a child (pre-teen?), Broli has seemingly
already transformed into a Super Saiyan and is running
amuck out of control; Broli was apparently born
quite insane, and it did not seem to be helped by
Goku's incessant crying in the baby ward (the two
were born on the same day)! Paragas is forced to
have a special device made that wraps around Broli's
head. Via a hand-held control, Paragas is able to
keep Broli subdued (and not running around destroying
now that Goku is back in the picture, Paragas' device
is unable to fully control Broli. For the first
few instances of the fighting, Broli showcases a
strange form of Super Saiyan in which his hair is
a green-ish/blue and stands on end. In some cases,
his pupils disappear (mostly when making the transformation
from Super Saiyan to "Legendary Super Saiyan,"
as described below).
NOTE: To clear up any possible
confusion, this is indeed a full Super
Saiyan transformation, as noted in
the sixth daizenshuu. It is unclear
whether it is the lighting or Paragus' control
device that causes such strange looking hair,
especially due to the regular Super
Saiyan form that Broli demonstrates in the tenth
DBZ movie, which is described below. |
Broli confronts Goku for the second time, he transforms
directly into his "Legendary Super Saiyan"
stage. In this stage, Broli loses his pupils, his
hair stands very much on end (especially on the
sides and in the back), his muscles increase in
size by the most dramatic sense we've ever seen
in the entire DragonBall franchise... and
he appears to have no weaknesses, what-so-ever.
very difficult to place this stage in the canon
continuity of SSJ stages; it looks most similar
to USSJ, but does not have its weaknesses, similar
to SSJ2. The sixth daizenshuu even goes
so far as to name this stage directly as its own
entity (literally naming it "densetsu no
sûpâ saiya-jin"). It is only
Goku (with the combined power of all of his friends)
that can defeat Broli... and even that
doesn't kill him...
Broli lands on Earth in movie 10, the viewers are
somewhat shocked to see him in neither regular form
of "Legendary SSJ" form... he appears
as a regular Super Saiyan! With a much more reserved
muscle bulk and pupils, Broli crashes in his ship
as a Super Saiyan and falls asleep...
Videl, Goten, and Trunks come across Broli, he has
turned back into a regular Super Saiyan, and continues
to fight in his form for a rather long duration
of time. While as a regular Super Saiyan, Broli
seems to have much more fun taking pleasure in the
destruction and pain he causes to his foes, smirking
and licking the blood off of his lips.
isn't until Gohan arrives and is forced to transform
into SSJ2 that Broli once again lets loose with
the "Legendary" form. The pupils disappear
and the muscles bulk up, just as they had done in
the previous feature; this is the Broli
that is a force to be reckoned with! He is ultimately
killed, once and for all, with a massive triple
Kamehameha from the father and his two sons. Broli
may be dead... but he's not through transforming!
movie 11, we learn that Broli has been cloned at
a bio-warrior production plant. What the creators
failed to note was the utter insanity that is Broli.
We he breaks free, he also sets loose strange goo
in the plant which covers him, creating a very mutant-like
"Bio-Broli" (note: this is the official
name for this character/clone, as written in the
sixth daizenshuu). Broli's clone seems to be
in "Legendary" form while in this stage
since no pupils appear in the red eyes. There is
also the strange, red, beating heart. The only further
"transformation" (somewhat) that this
mutant undergoes is a giant resizing of himself
near the end of the feature .Popping out of the
ocean as a giant (literally), Broli's mutant/sludge
clone is destroyed (for good, this time!) with a
double blast from Goten and Trunks.
MOVIES 8, 10, 11: Broli
Broli is perhaps the movie character
that goes through the most transformations.
From his regular stage, to a strange version
of regular Super Saiyan, all the way to his
"Legendary" Super Saiyan stage, Broli
is just a ridiculously power Saiyan able to
hold his own and deal up destruction on a daily
basis. When he returns for DBZ Movie 10 we see
a more traditional Super Saiyan stage, and in
Movie 11 we are treated to a very grotesque
"Bio-Broli" clone. |
MOVIE 9: Gokua & Bojack |
one of the only instances in DBZ history, both the
main villain and one of his henchmen
have transformations! In both case, they are pretty
simple with slight color and muscle changes that
are mostly visible.
is Bojack's henchman with a sword that battles Trunks.
Like most of the other henchmen, he speaks very
little, and seems to have quite an ego! In his base
form he sports green skin, yellow hair, and some
rather puffy shoulders. His body mass is very well
toned, but not to any excessive amount. His face
is rather calm looking, as well. It seems that when
Gokua realizes that Trunks may be more of a match
than he thought, he pauses as the crystal he wears
hanging from his necklace begins to glow, and his
hair starts to stand on end slightly. He raises
his arms into the air, and when the water clears
away, he is much more buff than before, his hair
is red, and his shirt has torn apart. What is most
interesting about Gokua's transformation has little
to do with him, and actually seems to have more
to do with the movie's animators; in the second
scene (where Trunks ultimately kills him), his hair
randomly goes back and forth between the new red
and the original yellow
color! He does not seem to have transformed back
(his body is still much larger than before), and
in the matter of just a couple frames and a crash
through a building, his hair has changed colors,
only to change back again just another second later!
Intentional, or mistake? Hard to tell...!
up is the main villain, himself, Bojack. Many describe
Bojack in his main form as a "pirate,"
and this makes quite a bit of sense. His clothing
seems almost "frilly," with an interesting
cape and a few necklaces hanging down, in addition
to the bandana wrapped around his head...
all he's missing is the eye patch!
his base form, his skin is green and he has long
yellow-ish/red hair that falls down his back. Similar
to Gokua's first form, his muscle bulk is relatively
well-toned, but not to any excess.
transforms after Vegeta's arrival. His transformation
is a very quick yelling and bringing down of the
arms. In his transformed state his hair changes
to a much more defined red his cape and upper clothing
is "burned" away, and he grows more muscular.
MOVIE 9: Gokua & Bojack
Gokua and Bojack have some of the more
traditional types of transformations where they
simply power-up and bust into larger, more powerful
versions of themselves with slightly different
skin and hair colors. |
MOVIE 12: Janenba |
one of the most insane and absurd transformation
sequences in the entire DragonBall franchise,
Janenba is certainly a character all to him... her...
err... itself! When the young Oni
(Tank Boy) accidentally lets the soul cleansing
machine overload, all Hell breaks loose... literally!
He is overtaken by Janenba, an amalgamation of evil
souls. What's most strange about Janenba is... well...
look at him! Very similar to Majin Buu when he first
appeared, Janenba is very childlike in nature, seemingly
only out to have fun and amuse himself. He's extremely
large with exaggerated features, and can be found
saying his name repeatedly, clapping, and laughing
to himself. He wears pinkish clothing on his lower
regions and arms, and does not appear to have a
nose. He can also seemingly bend the laws of...
well... anything, really, as he sees fit; gravity
and physics, in general, do not seem to be an issue
for Janenba!
Janenba's dozens of miniature self versions are
defeated by Goku, and he is beaten to a pulp by
SSJ3 Goku, Janenba begins his transformation into
his "true" self... a much more demonic
creature, also very similar to a Majin Buu form
(specifically, the "Chibi" form).
this form he is much smaller than before in every
way (height and muscle mass). His tail seems to
have grown a good deal, as have his two horns. His
skin is now red, with a purple-ish armor-type surrounding
over most of the body (horns, torso, and legs).
as before, Janenba seems to have control over much
of physics, now even teleporting himself around
in a series of puzzle piece-type objects! He now
only grunts and yelps, not even saying his name
as he did in the previous form.
also creates a sword which he can use to slice through
the air, pushing blades of cutting wind as his opponent.
MOVIE 12: Janenba
Possibly inspired by Majin Buu's forms,
Janenba starts out as a gigantic, bubbly, incredibly
happy monster who can do little more than say
his name and punch people around as he takes
over the afterlife. When he is forced to transform,
Goku finds himself facing a much smaller, more
compact, and incredibly powerful opponent
that is able to not only teleport, but form
a sword that can use wind as cutting, flying
blades. |
MOVIE 13: Hildegarn |
first form is actually a full form cut in half.
On the planet Konack, Hildegarn was brought to life
by evil sorcerers, but was cut in half with the
help of a holy sword. Since Hildegarn could not
actually be killed, the two halves were sealed away.
One half resides within Tapion, while the other
half originally resided within his brother, Minoshia.
Unfortunately, since the other half has gotten lose,
this can only mean that Minoshia is dead.
is a somewhat Godzilla-like monster, if only in
size and destruction. He does the majority of crushing
with his giant feet and long, swinging tail.
transformation seems to be more of an instant evolution
than anything else. Similar to a butterfly, Hildegarn
breaks free from a cocoon-type encasing, and rises
with slightly changed features and new wings. Two
long horns now stretch back from his head, which
is now more than just the skull from before.
speed and power also increases with the transformation
(of course). He also seems to adopt a new teleportation-type
technique, allowing him to almost always stay one
step ahead of his opponent.
MOVIE 13: Hildegarn
Hildegarn's transformation is very
much like a caterpillar into a butterfly; he
hatches from his original "skin" into
a more colorful and powerful version of himself.
His head becomes more fully formed, and he sprouts
wings from his back. |
return to "Transformations"