Introduction ] [ Influential
/ Amazing ] [ Other
Favorites ]
videos have been a pretty big part of the DragonBall
web community for quite a few years, now. It started
out back in the day with some 160x120 RealVideo encodes
from people like Meri and DannyPoo; fun little videos that
had some kind of "catch" or concept to them. Eventually,
everyone started getting video capture cards and throwing
music videos together. Now-a-days, it seems your site isn't
complete without some kind of "Music Videos" section,
no matter what the quality (or source...) of them may be!
many DragonBall / web fans are unaware of, though,
is that there's a HUGE anime music video community! The
first anime music video was actually made about twenty years
ago. Two VCRs and a cassette was all you needed to get started!
These days, digitally ripping DVDs and producing DVD-quality
work is the norm.
what about DragonBall videos? Where do they fit
in? Which ones are worth watching? Where can you see them?
Who actually MADE "Particle Man" ?! The
point of this section is not to convince you that your
favorite Limp Bizkit or Linkin Park / DBZ video is crap.
Rather, if one fanboy out there finds one video on this
list that has actual artistic merit to it... and likes
it... then our goal has been achieved. Everyone's entitled
to their own opinion on music videos, and hopefully we
can share ours and spread the love ^^.
it be known that this is, quite obviously, a very biased
list. While I truly believe I have seen a great
deal of DragonBall music videos... I'm positive
that many of you are going to disagree with some of my
selections. That's OK! My list is not intended to be gospel;
rather, I'd like you to view it as a GUIDE
(as the title suggests) to what I hope you will check
out and enjoy. If you don't see your favorite video on
the list, it may be on my list of second-tier videos (videos
which I think are very good, but aren't quite
as spectacular or influential as the ones listed
on this page). Just keep that all in mind, and remember
that you're entitled to your own opinion!
Influential / Amazing ]
[ Other Favorites